Difference between development communication and development support communication

  • What are the different methods of development communication?

    Development communication has two modes of application: monologic mode and dialogic mode.
    The participatory model mainly deals with dialogic communication.
    The monologic mode is broadly equivalent to the diffusion perspective and is based on the transmission model..

  • What are the tools of development support communication?

    Some approaches in the “tool kit” of the field include: information dissemination and education, behavior change, social marketing, social mobilization, media advocacy, communication for social change [11], and participatory development communication..

  • What are the two main levels of development support communication?

    Development support communication operates at two main levels: macro-level and micro-level.
    Each level serves a different purpose and involves different stakeholders..

  • What are the two roles of development communication?

    A development strategy that uses communication approaches can reveal people's underlying attitudes and traditional wisdom, help people to adapt their views and to acquire new knowledge and skills, and spread new social messages to large audiences..

In short, DSC is a practical discipline based on applied research as against the academic-based theoretical research in development communication.
The only difference between development communication and development support communication lies in its execution at the macro and the micro level.

Development Support Communication

The term can be described as development planning and implementation in which adequate action is taken of human behavioral factors in the design of development project and their objectivities.
It addresses development planning and the plan of operation for implementation.
It (DSC) stands for linking all agencies involved in the planned development .

What is development communication?

Development communication, a special focus of this article, often refers to a linear process of information exchange, resulting in knowledge acquisition or persuasion toward some objective related to development.
This term too has been actively contested, especially with the changing interpretations of development.

What is Development Support Communication (DSC)?

The practice of Development Support Communication, DSC, is a multi-sectoral process of information sharing about development agendas and planned actions.
It links planners, beneficiaries and implementers of development action, including:

  • the donor community.
  • What is development support communication?

    The practice of Development Support Communication, DSC, is a multi-sectoral process of information sharing about development agendas and planned actions

    It links planners, beneficiaries and implementers of development action, including the donor community

    Who should plan a development support communication campaign?

    • In addition, those in charge of planning Development Support Communication campaign must be those who understand the social structure (those who have entered into the socio-cultural contexts of the people) and how change can take place in it, not merely how development messages can be disseminated

    Who used the term development communication?

    • The term development communication was used by the western writers Daniel Lerner, Lucian Pye and Wilber Schramm

    • During 1950s loans were issued to under developed countries and technology was transferred to speed up their development process

    • After a decade when analysis was done, it was realized that most of the plans failed

    Development Communication has been alternatively defined as a type of marketing and public opinion research that i


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