Communication and language development 12-18 months

  • What are the receptive language milestones for 12 to 18 months?

    12-15 Months: Understand 20-100 words. 15-18 Months: Will answer yes/no questions by shaking/nodding their heads. 24 Months: Understand 150-300 words and simple wh-questions.
    Can follow simple two-step instructions (get your toy, put it on the couch)..

  • What language skills should a 12 18 month old have?

    Use up to 20 simple words, such as 'cup', 'daddy' and 'dog'.
    Gesture or point, often with words or sounds to show what they want.
    Copy lots of things that adults say and gestures that they make.
    Start to enjoy simple pretend play, for example pretending to talk on the phone..

  • At 18 months your toddler will probably try to:
    say some words- these may only be understood by family members at this stage. point to tell you what they see. look at people and objects as you are naming them. copy everyday sounds such as transport and animal sounds e.g. 'beep beep', 'neigh'.
  • By the end of 12 months, your child might: Try copying speech sounds.
    Say a few words, such as "dada," "mama" and "uh-oh." Understand simple commands, such as "Come here."Mar 11, 2023
At around 12 months, your child will start using words to talk to you. Your child might also enjoy saying the same word over and over. There will probably be a lot of made-up words too. By 18 months, your child might know and use 20-100 meaningful words.
At around 12 months, your child will start using words to talk to you. Your child might also enjoy saying the same word over and over. There will probably be a lot of made-up words too. By 18 months, your child might know and use 20-100 meaningful words.

Baby Speech Development by 18 Months

Toddlers develop skills at different rates, and to begin with their speech might only be recognisable to adults who often spend time with them.
But by 18 months, their language will be rapidly improving and there are a few things you would expect them to be able to do:.
1) Enjoy playing games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake.
2) Have fun playing with .

How Can I Help My Toddler Talk?

Your baby will develop at their own rate, and you can’t force them to articulate words before they’re ready.
But there are lots of things you can do to encourage your child’s fledgling communication.

What if my child speaks two languages?

Your child's care provider might refer your child to a hearing specialist, known as an audiologist, or a specialist in speech and language, known as a speech-language pathologist.
If your child hears or speaks two languages, a bilingual speech-language pathologist can test your child in both languages.
To help your child talk, talk to your child.

When do babies start talking?

Eager as you might be to hear your baby talk, there’s no set time for when to whip out your phone to capture their first words.
By 12 to 18 months, your baby will start to use language in a more recognisable way and you may start to hear them talking.

When should a child talk to a GP?

Speech and language skills usually develop from a very early age.
Some children don’t develop the early skills they need and you should speak to a GP or paediatrician if you are concerned.
Parents should speak to a GP, health visitor or speech and language therapist if:

  • Their child has not started to babble to communicate by 12 to 15 months.
  • When Will My Baby Talk?

    Eager as you might be to hear your baby talk, there’s no set time for when to whip out your phone to capture their first words.
    By 12 to 18 months, your baby will start to use language in a more recognisable way and you may start to hear them talking.
    You might find at first that only you and a few of your baby’s favourite people can make out what .


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