Communications engineering scimago

  • Is communication engineering tough?

    ECE is actually one of the toughest branch in engineering but it depends on you whether it is hard or easy to study.
    So if you are really interested in Electronics and communication then it will be easy for you to study.
    But if you are not interested then the harder subjects of ECE will be a nightmare to you..

  • Is Electronics and Communication Engineering in demand?

    According to The Bureau of Labour Statistics, there will be a 7 percent year-on-year growth in the demand for ECE engineers.
    The recruitment figures will reach over 345,800 by 2026, which is a massive number and a reason enough for aspiring engineers to pursue a career in ECE..

  • Is results in engineering a q1 journal?

    Results in Engineering is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q2).
    It is published by Elsevier BV..

  • What are the journals other than IEEE?

    Sciencedirect, acm springer, Nanoresearch, automatica, applied physics etc are few more which are top apart from IEEE.
    What are some interesting papers published in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics engineers (IEEE) journals?.

  • What is meant by communication engineering?

    Communications engineering is a field that focuses on supporting systems that transfer information from one place to another.
    General job duties in this field include troubleshooting system issues, inspecting and maintaining communications systems and keeping detailed maintenance records..

  • What is the impact factor of IET?

    The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of IET Communications is 1.345, which is just updated in 2023..

  • What is the impact factor of Ijcs journal?

    The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of International Journal of Communication Systems is 1.882, which is just updated in 2023..

  • What is the impact factor of the International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering?

    The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications is 0.851, which is just updated in 2023..

  • What is the impact factor of the Journal of information and Communication Convergence engineering?

    Highest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2023)0.28Lowest Journal's Impact IF (2011 - 2023)0.137Total Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2023)81.0%Avarage Journal's Impact IF Growth Rate (2011 - 2023)20.2%.

  • Employers typically look for graduates with a degree in engineering or in a physical science, particularly: computer science. computer/software engineering. electronic and communication engineering.
  • The 2022-2023 Journal's Impact IF of IET Communications is 1.345, which is just updated in 2023.
  • This industry provides high salary job and better career option for Electronics Engineers, Electronics and Communication Engineer, Electronics Design & Development Engineer, Desktop Support Engineer, System Control Engineer.
    Both CSE and ECE are equivalently good sector.
    To be precise ECE is better than CSE.
Scope. Communications Engineer provides an in-depth coverage of new work at a level which will be informative and accessible to engineers active in areas of 

What is Communications Engineering?

From nanostructure to infrastructure, Communications Engineering seeks to publish research papers reporting a valuable advance in the engineering of any physical system, supported by demonstrations of exciting new technological opportunity, capability or benefit as a result of that advancement

What is SJR & SCImago?

SJR is a portal with scientometric indicators of journals indexed in Scopus

All the data have been provided by Scopus /Elsevier and SCImago doesn´t have the authority over this data which are property of Scopus/Elsevier

What is the impact indicator for SCImago Journal and Country Rank?

SCImago Journal and Country Rank uses Scopus data, our impact indicator is the SJR

Check out our web to localize the journal

We suggest you consult the Journal Citation Report for other indicators (like Impact Factor) with a Web of Science data source


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