Communication video engineering

How do Civil Engineers communicate?

When civil engineers communicate, they integrate multiple forms of communication appropri- ate for the audience, such as:

  • listening
  • observing
  • speaking
  • writing
  • as well as nonverbal
  • visual
  • and graphical communication.
  • How do you create engaging internal communication videos?

    When it comes to creating engaging internal communication videos, there are no set rules for what is the most effective way to immerse your employees.
    But there are examples of what has worked in the past.

    What is video communication?

    Video communication is achieved by using Web cameras to connect two or more parties.
    This is the next-best communication option after face-to-face, as you get most of the same benefits.
    However, there is always the possibility of bad connections or other technical issues that hinder the communication.

    How can video communication improve science communication?

    Communicating science effectively: when an optimised video communication enhances comprehension, pleasantness, and people's interest in knowing more about scientific findings

    Appl Psychol 69 (3), 1072–1091 doi:10 1111/apps 12193 R Core Development Team (2016)

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