Communication law and policy journal

  • What is journal of communication?

    The Journal of Communication is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes articles and book reviews on a broad range of issues in communication theory and research.
    It was established in 1951 and the current editor-in-chief is R..

  • Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law
    Communications Law is a well-respected, peer reviewed, quarterly journal covering the broad spectrum of legal issues arising in the telecoms, IT and media industries.
    Each issue brings you opinion and discussion from the field of communications law.
  • “The definition proposed by UNESCO: 'A national communication policy is a set of prescriptions and norms laid down to guide the behavior of communication institutions in a country. ' ” •
The journal publishes rigorously reasoned and thoroughly researched studies based on traditional legal research, social science techniques, or ethnographic, international, or comparative analyses. Communication Law and Policy also publishes articles using other appropriate approaches to pertinent topics.

What is a language policy journal?

The journal aims to contribute to the field by publishing high-quality studies that build a sound theoretical understanding of the field of language policy and cover a range of cases, situations and regions worldwide.
A distinguishing feature of this journal is its focus on various dimensions of language educational policy.

What is communication law and policy?

The journal publishes rigorously reasoned and thoroughly researched studies based on traditional legal research, social science techniques, or ethnographic, international, or comparative analyses.
Communication Law and Policy also publishes articles using other appropriate approaches to pertinent topics.

What is a language policy journal?

The journal aims to contribute to the field by publishing high-quality studies that build a sound theoretical understanding of the field of language policy and cover a range of cases, situations and regions worldwide

A distinguishing feature of this journal is its focus on various dimensions of language educational policy

What is communication law & policy based on?

It is based on a content analysis of research published in the journal Communication Law and Policy (1996–2004), papers presented to the Communication Law and Policy Division at annual conferences of the International Communication Association (1997–2004), as well as consideration of other resources


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