Media law ksa

  • How strict are the laws in Saudi Arabia?

    Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country in which Islamic law is strictly enforced.
    You should respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times and be aware of your actions to ensure that they do not offend, especially during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas..

  • What are the restrictions on advertising in Saudi Arabia?

    In order to avoid rejected campaigns, marketers must be familiar with the key Islamic guidelines governing advertising content, including religious restrictions on alcohol, pork, gender portrayal, modesty, and symbols.
    Restrictions are also issued from additional divisions, such as the Saudi Food and Drug Authority..

  • What is the media law in Saudi Arabia?

    Article 39 of the kingdom's Basic Law of Governance states that: [The media] is prohibited from committing acts leading to disorder and division, affecting the security of the state and its public relations, or undermining human dignity and rights..

  • Who controls the media in Saudi Arabia?

    The Ministry of Media (Arabic: وزارة الإعلام) is one of the governmental bodies of Saudi Arabia and part of the cabinet.
    The main function of the ministry is to regulate the media of Saudi Arabia and the communications between Saudi Arabia and other countries..

  • Who is the media regulator in Saudi Arabia?

    GCAM conducts and regulation and policies audiovisual activities in accordance with Kingdom's “media policy” as well as provides related services to facilitates the content broadcasting. furthermore, it issues and manages licenses for audiovisual media transmission and content..

  • Who regulates media in Saudi Arabia?

    The Ministry of Media (Arabic: وزارة الإعلام) is one of the governmental bodies of Saudi Arabia and part of the cabinet.
    The main function of the ministry is to regulate the media of Saudi Arabia and the communications between Saudi Arabia and other countries..

  • According to a survey about internet usage in Saudi Arabia, WhatsApp was the most used social media platform with 83.7 percent of internet users reporting using it as of the third quarter of 2022.
    Instagram came second with 76.8 percent.
  • In order to avoid rejected campaigns, marketers must be familiar with the key Islamic guidelines governing advertising content, including religious restrictions on alcohol, pork, gender portrayal, modesty, and symbols.
    Restrictions are also issued from additional divisions, such as the Saudi Food and Drug Authority.
  • Men and women are required to refrain from public displays of affection.
    Swearing and making rude gestures are considered offensive acts and violators can be subjected to the local laws.
    Penalties can vary from a fine to imprisonment and/or deported.
  • The CITC regulates network operators, and the ICT and postal sector.
    The Telecoms and IT Act provides the legal framework for organising this sector.
    The GCAM regulates the audio-visual sector,75 and the MoM supervises all means of visual, audio and written communication content in Saudi Arabia.Jan 6, 2023
  • The social media landscape in Saudi Arabia can be characterized by the popularity of WhatsApp, the growing number of social media users, the dominance of Facebook in web traffic referrals, and the high percentage of internet users who watch online video content.
Jan 6, 2023A review of some of the primary issues surrounding media law and regulation in Saudi Arabia, including key content rules and restrictions.

Does Saudi Arabia need a social media licence?

Elsewhere in the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates requires a licence for the operation of social media accounts offering “paid advertising services”

Influencers in Saudi Arabia will need to align with the new requirements by the deadline and ensure that they are only promoting appropriate products or services

What is Saudi media law?

The Law aims at creating a suitable investment environment, and ensuring that associated media content conforms to Saudi legal and cultural considerations

What is the new media law?

The new draft law would replace two existing laws governing traditional media: the Audiovisual Media Law, which regulates radio and television and is enforced by GCAM; and the Printing and Publication Law, which regulates print media and is enforced by the Ministry of Media

The Audiovisual Media Law requires those wishing to engage in broadcasting and other audio-visual media activity in the Kingdo…


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