Media law philippines

Can a broadcaster broadcast a high-definition feed in the Philippines?

Regulations allow multiplexing and broadcast of high-definition feeds.
However, an early warning broadcast system is a required feature in the Philippine digital terrestrial television system.
In general, broadcasters would need to use the spectrum only for the services covered by its franchise and licences.

How to start a Broadcasting Company in the Philippines?

A broadcasting company would need to be a corporation established in the Philippines with a franchise granted by the Philippine Congress.
This franchise is in the form of a law and therefore its grant goes through the same process as other types of statutes.
The term of a Congressional franchise is 25 years and is renewable upon application.

Should libel be decriminalized in the Philippines?

Journalist groups have long called for the ‘decriminalization’ of libel in the Philippines (Patag, 2018).
A criminal libel law, as opposed to civil libel laws in other countries, is ‘disproportionate’ as it mobilizes the resources of the state in arresting and prosecuting the journalist (Noorlander, 2013).

What laws affect the media sector?

In addition, the media sector is affected by legislation on press freedom, intellectual property, privacy, criminal law and the general civil law.
Various government agencies handle content regulation, such as:

  • the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board
  • the Optical Media Board and the National Council for Children’s Television.
  • How is advertising regulated in the Philippines?

    It is essentially a self-regulating body

    Advertising content is principally regulated by the provisions of the Broadcast Code of the Philippines and the Consumer Act, as well as various special laws and regulations, such as regulations issued on tobacco advertisements and those issued by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration

    What are the laws governing mass media in the Philippines?

    Its 1987 Constitution guarantees freedom of speech and of expression through provisions drawn from the American constitution and jurisprudence, tempered with experience under martial law

    Philippine laws since then have dealt with mass media as either print news media, or broadcast news, e

    g radio and television

    What laws apply to the media sector?

    There is no general law that applies to the media sector as a whole

    Nevertheless, the laws and regulations in place typically focus on regulating access to content, such as age-gating with respect to movies, age advisories in relation to television shows, and ownership restrictions and consumer protection


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