Media law subject

Feb 24, 2023Media law is a branch of law that focuses on the regulation of telecommunications, broadcasting, advertising, and the entertainment industry. It 
It is an area that allows scholars to look at advanced issues relating to freedom of expression and the right to communicate, and the way these rights intersect with competing interests.
Media law is a branch of law that focuses on the regulation of telecommunications, broadcasting, advertising, and the entertainment industry. It applies to television, radio, print media, and, more recently, social and digital media.
This course is concerned with the law relating to the communications media in this country. First, the media will be discussed in a historical and social 

What is media law & practice?

The ability to expertly communicate specialised and complex information, ideas, concepts and theories relevant to media law and practice

This subject examines the core legal constraints imposed on the media in their publishing activities

The first part of the subject requires students to analyse and evaluate bro

What topics are covered in a media law course?

You’ll cover topics such as intellectual property, how social media works with the law, advertising law and data protection

You’ll also explore the ethical questions relating to media law, such as freedom of speech, the right to privacy and the meaning of ‘public interest’


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