Communications act summary

  • What was the purpose of the Telecommunications Act of 1996?

    The Act ensures that schools, libraries, hospitals and clinics have access to advanced telecommunications services, and calls for them to be connected to the information superhighway by the year 2000..

  • Who made the communications Act?

    Enacted on June 19, the 34-page Communications Act of 1934 created a permanent administrative body, the FCC, at the request of Pres.
    Franklin D.
    Roosevelt and incorporated virtually all of the Radio Act of 1927, including the cornerstone principles of public ownership of the airwaves and the PICN standard.Oct 26, 2023.

  • The 1934 act built upon the Radio Act of 1927, which was a temporary measure when it was passed, intended to stabilize the burgeoning but chaotic radio industry of the mid-1920s.
    The 1934 act added communications via common carrier and television.Oct 26, 2023
  • The Act increases confidence in electronic transactions by providing legal admissibility for digital signatures.
The Communications Act of 1934 combined and organized federal regulation of telephone, telegraph, and radio communications. The Act created the FederalĀ 
Communications act summary
Communications act summary

Proposed U.S. government bill

The Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement Act, House Bill H.R. 2884, was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on June 12, 2017, during the 115th United States Congress.
The bill was intended to amend the Presidential Records Act to preserve Twitter posts and other social media interactions of the President of the United States, and requires the National Archives to store such items.
H.R. 2884 was assigned to the House Oversight and Reform Committee for consideration.
While in committee, there were no roll call votes related to the bill.
The bill died in committee.
The Email Privacy Act is a bill introduced in the United States Congress.
The bipartisan proposed federal law was sponsored by Representative Kevin Yoder, a Republican from Kansas, and then-Representative Jared Polis, a Democrat of Colorado.
The law is designed to update and reform existing online communications law, specifically the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986.


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