Communications data act

  • What are the different types of communications data?

    For example subscriber data, phone number, email address, postal address, IP address, type of device used.
    This is the, who and how of communications data.
    Events data: The where and when of calls, texts, emails, social media messages.
    This will include internet connection records..

  • What are the objectives of the Data Act?

    The Data Act aims to boost the EU's data economy by unlocking industrial data, optimising its accessibility and use, and fostering a competitive and reliable European cloud market.
    It seeks to ensure that the benefits of the digital revolution are shared by everyone..

  • What is the Data Act?

    The Data Act is a key component of the European strategy for data.
    Its objective is to remove barriers to the use and re-use of non-personal data, particularly as it relates to data generated by connected products and related services, including virtual assistants..

  • Who does the Data Act apply to?

    Who does it apply to? The EU Data Act primarily applies to manufacturers, suppliers and users of IoT devices/related services.
    It also applies to “data holders” that make data available to data recipients in the EU, public sector bodies in certain situations and data processing services providers..

  • Why is the Data Act important?

    The Data Act creates a legal framework for a single European data market, and its key target is to facilitate the commercial exploitation of data generated by connected products, which was previously accessible only to the manufacturers of those products..

  • In Ireland, these laws include the Data Protection Acts and other regulations.
    These data protection laws mean that your personal data should generally only be stored where there is a lawful basis, such as your consent, or where there is a legal obligation.
  • OFCOM's principal duty is: (i) to further the interests of citizens, and (ii) to further consumer interests in relevant markets, where appropriate by promoting competition. “Citizens” are defined in subsection (14) as all members of the public in the United Kingdom; “consumers” are defined in section 405(5).
  • The Data Act removes barriers to access data, for both the private and the public sector, while preserving incentives to invest in data generation by ensuring a balanced control over the data for its creators.
  • The Data Governance Act entered into application on 24 September 2023.
    The Regulation creates a new European way of data governance based on increasing trust in data sharing.
    It aims to create a safe environment for sharing data across sectors and Member States to benefit society and the economy.
Jun 28, 2023The Data Act aims to boost the EU's data economy by unlocking industrial data, optimising its accessibility and use, and fostering a 
Section 3 of this code provides guidance on the procedures to be followed when communications data is retained under Part 4 of the Act ('Part 4'). 1.2 Sections 
This Revised Act is an administrative consolidation of Communications (Retention of Data) Act 2011. It is prepared by the Law Reform Commission in accordance 

How will the DATA Act impact our digital transformation?

Today’s agreement will accelerate our Union’s digital transformation

Once the data act enters into force, it will unlock the economic and societal potential of data and technologies and contribute to an internal market for data

What are the key aims of the EU Data Act?

Key aims of the proposed EU Data Act are to: Facilitate access to and the use of data by consumers and businesses, while incentivising data value generation; Provide for the use by public sector bodies and Union institutions, agencies or bodies (Public Bodies) of data held by the private sector where there is an exceptional data need;

What is the DATA Act?

Download the factsheet to find out more about the Data Act

Available in all official EU languages

The Data Act is a proposed Regulation harmonising rules on fair access to and use of data

It will play a key role in the digital decade, helping to shape the rules for the digital economy and scoiety


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