Media law module

This module offers a basic introduction to the law as it applies to journalists in England and Wales.

What can I do with a media law degree?

This module provides lawyers with specialized knowledge and equip them to advise on and address challenges posed by the press, broadcasting and telecommunications in an ever-changing media landscape.
Students accredited with this module can identify, analyse and apply the principles of media law.

What is an introductory course in media law?

An introductory course in media law may cover the following topics:

  • Many courses offer instruction in more specialized areas.
    A media law course may help learners better understand major Federal Communications Commission regulations and identify significant changes in law with the advent of the internet.
  • Why is media law important?

    Advocacy and Policy: A strong understanding of Media Law empowers individuals to advocate for media-related policy changes and reforms

    It enables them to contribute to discussions on media regulation, media ethics, and the protection of individual rights

    Media law module
    Media law module

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