Community corrections devonport

How do I contact the Devonport Community House?

Bookings preferred, please contact the Devonport Community House on 6424 7060.
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What happened to Devonport Borough prison?

The Prison Act of 1877 required all prisons be passed to state control and as such Devonport Borough Prison was closed from April 1878 with the remaining prisoners moved to Plymouth Prison, on Greenbank Hill.
The property was later put up for auction.

What is the Devonport City Council?

Welcome to Devonport! The Devonport City Council is dedicated to providing a suite of cross connected business, tourism and community websites just like this one.
Tasmania’s third largest city, Devonport is a thriving riverside city gateway to the North West and beyond.

What is the Devonport community recycling centre?

The Devonport Community Recycling Centre traces its roots back to 1977 when a group of locals successfully lobbied Devonport Borough Council to begin New Zealand's first municipal recycling scheme, it was an exemplar operation that went on to see waste management change for the better across the rest of the country.

What does community corrections do?

Community Corrections is part of the Department of Justice

We are responsible for managing individuals sentenced to the following Court Orders; Community Corrections Orders, which can include Supervision or Community Service Home Detention

What happened to Devonport Borough prison?

The Prison Act of 1877 required all prisons be passed to state control and as such Devonport Borough Prison was closed from April 1878 with the remaining prisoners moved to Plymouth Prison, on Greenbank Hill

The property was later put up for auction

What services does the Devonport Community Centre provide?

The Centre provides the Devonport Community with access to quality and confidential services

A wide range of community services, visiting services, clinics and support groups operate from the Centre such as Community Nursing, Drug and Alcohol services, Diabetes Education, Continence Advisor, Dental Clinic and Sexual Health Clinic


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