Community corrections waitlist

If an offender is approved by a Community Corrections Center, the Community Referral Unit (CRU) will place the offender on the wait list.

Is there a waiting list for community care services?

Although all eligible individuals 21 and over can receive services under the Supports Program, there is currently a waiting list for assignment to the Community Care Program.
For information on waiting list requirements and procedures see Division Circular #8.

What is a 'halfway house' in community corrections?

Community Corrections is often referred to as a “halfway house.” In Colorado these are typically occupied by ‘Diversion’ clients from Probation / judicial and ‘Transition’ clients from DOC.
For DOC inmates the idea is to include:

  • graduated release through a systematic decrease in supervision and increase in offender responsibility.
  • What is the waitlist program?

    The Waitlist program may come in handy if you’re booking a reservation just a few months or weeks out, traveling during high season, looking for a limited or popular room type, or booking a long stay.
    Waitlists can be very beneficial when booking a DVC stay.


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