Community corrections course

  • How do I become a probation officer in South Africa?

    Personal Requirements

    1be a South African citizen.2be 18 - 35 years of age.3be a minimum of 1,67 m tall for men and 1,60 m for women.4have no mental or physical handicap.5be medically fit.6speak English and at least one other language.7be emotionally mature and stable.8be responsible and honest..

  • Rehabilitation benefits
    The key goal of rehabilitation is to reduce reoffending.
    A reduction in reoffending will mean less victims of crime and less social and economic cost to the community.
    Successful rehabilitation leads to safer communities.

Where can I learn more about evidence-based practices in community corrections?

The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) has a 5-course series of online training on Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections.
These courses can help for students to learn more about EBP or to show professors how to become informed about EBP and its application in the field of corrections.

What is the community corrections program?

Community Corrections provides an opportunity for the participant, by following their case plans and programs, to demonstrate that they can safely and effectively be managed in a community-based setting and ultimately, become a productive member of society

Where can I learn more about evidence-based practices in community corrections?

The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) has a 5-course series of online training on Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections

These courses can help for students to learn more about EBP or to show professors how to become informed about EBP and its application in the field of corrections


Community corrections history
Community corrections officer grade
Community corrections research
Basic county corrections study guide
Module 12 community corrections study guide
Department of corrections learning center
Community corrections training
Community corrections manual
Department of corrections online payment
Department of corrections online visitation
Community certificate correction online
What is a community corrections order
Department of corrections what is it
What is the purpose of community corrections
How does community corrections work
Community corrections canberra
Community corrections canada
Department of corrections canada
Department of corrections canon city
Department of corrections canteen