Community health indicators

  • How do you measure health indicators?

    Disease incidence rates can be calculated from data generated by high-quality surveillance systems that accurately record the number of new cases over time.
    Mortality rates can be calculated directly from civil registers so long as death registration is complete..

  • What are 5 leading health indicators?

    Leading Health Indicators

    Access to Health Services.Clinical Preventive Services.Environmental Quality.Maternal Infant and Child Health.Mental Health.Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity.Oral Health.Reproductive and Sexual Health..

  • What is a community health indicator?

    A community health profile is made up of indicators of sociodemographic characteristics, health status and quality of life, health risk factors, and health resources that are relevant for most communities; these indicators provide basic descriptive information that can inform priority setting and interpretation of data .

  • What is the critical indicator of the health of a community?

    Death, Illness, and Injury
    Definition of Category: Health status in a community is measured in terms of mortality (rates of death within a population) and morbidity (rates of the incidence and prevalence of disease)..

  • 10 Steps in Community Health Assessment Development Process

    1. Establishing the assessment team
    2. Identifying and securing resources
    3. Identifying and engaging community partners
    4. Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting Data
    5. Setting Health Priorities
    6. Clarifying the Issue
    7. Setting Goals and Measuring Progress
  • Here are some fundamental indicators of good health, along with suggestions on how we can achieve them:

    Restful and consistent sleeping patterns. Good energy levels. Healthy bowel movement. Healthy Urinary System. Healthy, dewy skin. Healthy hair. Good oral health and neutral-smelling breath. Regular menstrual cycles.
  • Indicators are things that we can measure.
    They help to determine whether we have achieved objectives for a specific program or project, or whether we have reached a threshold or trigger for action.
Example 7: Possible Community Health Indicators ; Unemployment rate, Social environment, prosperity (behavior, physical environment, health care, health and 
Example 7: Possible Community Health Indicators ; Water quality (for recreational uses), Physical environment (behavior, social environment, well-being), State 


Community health assessments typically use both primary and secondary data to characterize the health of the community:

Sources of community-level indicators that have been benchmarked within states or among peers

•County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

What are community-level indicators?

Community-level indicators offer objective measures of outcomes.
An example would be monitoring smoking through the community-level indicator of sales of cigarettes in the community, rather than by polling people to find out how many cigarettes each person smoked daily.
There are many places to find information on community-level indicators.

What are leading health indicators?

Address social determinants of health, health disparities, and health equity Have new data available periodically, preferably annually Federal government management or oversight of data sources Leading Health Indicators are a small set of Healthy People objectives that draw attention to the highest-priority public health issues.

What are some examples of Healthy Community indicators?

For example, the categories of measures for the National Civic League's (1993) Healthy Community Indicators include:

  • health
  • family income
  • housing and homelessness
  • food assistance
  • child care
  • education
  • youth employment
  • transportation
  • public safety
  • and environmental issues.
  • What is the community health status indicators report?

    The Community Health Status Indicators Report was designed not only for public health professionals but also for members of the community who are interested in the health of their community.
    Community Health Indicators Toolkit is provided by the First Nation’s Health Development.
    It provides tools for program planning and evaluation.

    What are healthy community indicators?

    These indicators were initially published in 2017 and include data previously published on the MyHealthyCommunities website up to October 2018

    Healthy community indicators are interactive displays that let you see the latest health information for people in your Primary Health Network (PHN) area, and how it compares with other areas

    What are practical indications for the formulation of health indicators?

    Practical indications for the formulation of health indicators 2


    4 Comparing indicators in different population groups The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) works with the countries of the Americas to improve the health and quality of life of their populations

    Founded in 1902, it is

    What is a Community Health Profile?

    A community health profile is made up of indicators of sociodemographic characteristics, health status and quality of life, health risk factors, and health resources that are relevant for most communities; these indicators provide basic descriptive information that can inform priority setting and interpretation of data on specific health issues

    Community-based monitoring (CBM) is a form of public oversight, ideally driven by local information needs and community values, to increase the accountability and quality of social services such as health, development aid, or to contribute to the management of natural resources.
    Within the CBM framework, members of a community affected by a social program or environmental change track this change and its local impacts, and generate demands, suggestions, critiques and data that they then act on, including by feeding back to the organization implementing the program or managing the environmental change.
    For a Toolkit on Community-Based Monitoring methodology with a focus on community oversight of infrastructure projects, see external text>
    For a library of resources relating to community-based monitoring of tropical forests, see external text

    Value associated with health care

    Health care quality is a level of value provided by any health care resource, as determined by some measurement.
    As with quality in other fields, it is an assessment of whether something is good enough and whether it is suitable for its purpose.
    The goal of health care is to provide medical resources of high quality to all who need them; that is, to ensure good quality of life, cure illnesses when possible, to extend life expectancy, and so on.
    Researchers use a variety of quality measures to attempt to determine health care quality, including counts of a therapy's reduction or lessening of diseases identified by medical diagnosis, a decrease in the number of risk factors which people have following preventive care, or a survey of health indicators in a population who are accessing certain kinds of care.

    Observed value of a variable in statistics

    In statistics and research design, an indicator is an observed value of a variable, or in other words a sign of a presence or absence of the concept being studied.
    Just like each color indicates in a traffic lights the change in the movement.


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