Community health definition gnm 1st year

: Definition of community, community health & community health nursing, scope of community. Group. : Students of G N M 1st year. Place. : Class room. Date & 
COMMUNITY HEALTH- Community health refers to the health status of the member of community, to the problems affecting their health & to the totality of health care provided to the community.
Review of previous class: Ask questions regarding group of people which live in particular area, their health & their health problem. GNM First Year Lesson Plan 


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How to teach soft diet in GNM first year?

Teaching method :

  • Lecture cum demonstration A.V aids : Black board, charts and power point Student’s prerequisites :The students should be able to identify all the utensil and food item needed for soft diet.
    GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation:Vol I -Community Health Nursing 885 .
  • What are the characteristics of a community health nursing agency?

    2) Community health nursing agency has clearly defined objectives & purpose for services. 3) An active organized citizen group representative of the community health program. 4) Community health nursing recognized the family & community as unit of services.

    What is community health nursing?

    GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation:

  • Vol I -Community Health Nursing 3 S.
    No Time Specific objective Content Teaching learning activity Evaluation 2 8 min To define community health nursing.
    CC COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING -is a synthesis of nursing & public health practice applied for promoting & preserving the health of people.
  • What is GNM first year lesson plan -community health nursing 537?

    GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation:

  • Vol I -Community Health Nursing 537 General Objective :
  • At the end of the class the students will be able to gain knowledge regarding communication and develop positive attitude accommodate effective communication process along with knowledge.
  • Is community health nursing continuous or episodic?

    It is continuous and not episodic

    The dominant responsibility is to the population as a whole” 8

    Definition of CHN :- • Community Health Nursing is a synthesis of nursing and public health practice applied to promoting and preserving the health of the people


    What is GNM first year lesson plan -community health nursing 445?

    GNM First Year Lesson Plan Compilation : Vol I -Community Health Nursing 445 Specific objective At the end of the class the students will be able to Define housing Describe location of housing Enlist types of housing Explain characteristics of good housing


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