Community health center what is

A community health center is a not-for-profit, consumer directed healthcare organization that provides access to high quality, affordable, and comprehensive primary and preventive medical, dental, and mental health care.
A healthcare center, health center, or community health center is one of a network of clinics staffed by a group of general practitioners and nurses providing healthcare services to people in a certain area. Wikipedia

What do community centers offer?

Community centres (centers) continue to offer physical space where community activities take place.
With some thought, commitment and money they could also enhance the associational space on offer.
Marriot (1997) found that many of those involved in the organization of community buildings had a ‘poorly developed sense of the changing needs of ..

What do community mental health centers mean?

The community mental health center as envisioned in the Community Mental Health Centers Act is a program of mental health services under a unified system of care with the following goals:

  • Providing a varied and comprehensive range of services near the patients' homes.
  • What is a licensed community mental health center?

    Part of the community mental health center definition is the idea of mental health, so many of these professionals will be skilled in the area of mental health.
    Counselors and therapists offer individual and group counseling to patients.
    Licensed clinical social workers fulfill many roles at the community health centers.

    What is a community health center?

    In the naming convention itself, a community health center (CHC) implies thatwithin an individual’s community a medical organization exists to treat a variety of ailments

    While the name itself is very leading to what a community health center is in a very broad sense, there is a lot more to consider

    What is a health center & why should you care?

    Health centers’ main goal is to increase access to high-quality healthcare, often for underserved communities

    In addition, health centers reach out to all community members, and strive to see they receive high quality, integrated care

    Providing these additional services helps achieve that goal

    The health care system can be complex to navigate

    Why is community health care important?

    The NACHC reports the 70% of patients that receive care at community health centers are 100% below the federal poverty level (FPL)

    This speaks to the importance to the care provided at CHCs – providing primary care services to uninsured, underserved, and low income patients is necessary for society to improve health outcomes as a whole


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