What is community health who

  • What is the definition of a community according to the World health Organization?

    "Communities" are groups of people that may or may not be spatially connected, but who share common interests, concerns or identities.
    These communities could be local, national or international, with specific or broad interests..

What are the determinants of health?

The determinants of health include: the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person’s individual characteristics and...

How does evidence-based approach work within health impact assessment?

An evidence base about the impact that projects, programmes and policies have had on health is required to carry out health impact assessment (HIA)...

What are examples from the transport sector?

Evidence of health impact focus on: Accidents between motor vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians (particularly children and young people). Pollution...

What are examples from the food and agriculture sector?

Agricultural production issues and manufacturing Tobacco farming and its impact on heart disease, stroke, certain cancers and chronic respiratory d...

What are examples from the housing sector?

Evidence of health impacts focus on: Improvements in housing and improved mental health and general health The possibility of improved housing lead...

What are examples around waste management?

Evidence of health impacts focuses on environmental and social determinants related to: the transmission of agents of infectious disease from human...

What are examples from the energy sector?

Evidence of health impacts focus on health hazards such as: Fossil fuels Biomass fuels Hydropower and their impact on vector borne diseases, and po...

What are examples from the industrial sectors?

Evidence of health impacts focus on industrial sectors such as: Asbestos and man made fibres Basic chemicals Cement, glass and ceramics Electronics...

What are examples around urbanization?

Evidence of health impacts focus on topics such as: Urban housing problems City environment and non-communicable diseases Communicable diseases Roa...


Community health is a branch of
Community health is defined as
Community health issues in the philippines
Community health is also known as
Community health is a branch of animal health
Community health issues 2023
Community health is our concern
Community health issues in canada
Community health is important
Community health issue examples
Community health issues in india
Community health is under which faculty
Community health is a noble profession
Community health school in nigeria
Community health school nurse
Community health schools in ghana
Community health school fees
Community health school based office
Community health school tamale
Community health school definition