Community health centres about

Community Health Centres ( CHCs ) are non-profit organizations that provide primary health and health promotion programs for individuals, families and communities. A health centre is established and governed by a community-elected board of directors.

How can community health centers improve health care?

Community health centers quickly demonstrated they could put additional federal investments to work, ramping up to provide care for an increased numbers of patients and expand their services.

What is a community health centre?

In contrast to solo practitioner models, Community Health Centres offer high-quality primary care through a collaborative team approach.
Social workers, family physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, dietitians, chiropodists, dental hygienists, therapists and other clinicians provide services in a team environment, based on patient needs.

Do community health centres have a role in community health care?

Community Health Centres place a strong em- phasis on community engagement and civic participation in health and health care, which often includes the participation of local com- munity members in the governance of the local health centre

What is integrated care in a community health centre?

A patient experiences integrated care as a smooth process of assis- tance and care, provided by various primary disciplines

In a community health centre, both the patients’ care needs and public interest are taken into ac- count

Healthcare region in British Columbia, Canada

The Fraser Health Authority (FHA) is one of five publicly funded health authorities into which the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC) is divided.
It is governed by the provincial Health Authorities Act.

Hospital in Alberta, Canada

The Northeast Community Health Centre (NECHC) is a community health centre located in Northeast-Edmonton.
It provides medical services through Alberta Health Services, including a 24/7 emergency department.
Community health centres about
Community health centres about

British healthcare charity

Nuffield Health is the United Kingdom's largest healthcare charity.
Established in 1957 the charity operates 31 Nuffield Health Hospitals and 114 Nuffield Health Fitness & Wellbeing Centres.
It is independent of the National Health Service and is constituted as a registered charity.
Its objectives are to 'advance, promote and maintain health and healthcare of all descriptions and to prevent, relieve and cure sickness and ill health of any kind, all for the public benefit.'


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