Community health topics for research

  • How does research relate to public health?

    Examples include: Developing a new test for breast cancer.
    Comparing two medications (drugs) to treat heart disease to see which one works better.
    Developing lenses to help people see more clearly after eye surgery..

  • What are the best research topics in public health?

    Research studies gather important information about behaviors, risk factors, and disease trends.
    Research also informs the development and testing of interventions for promoting health and preventing disease..

  • What is the best health topic?

    Examples of broad clinical research questions include:
    What maternal factors are associated with obesity in toddlers? What elements of a peer support intervention prevent suicide in high school females? What is the most accurate and comprehensive way to determine men's experience of physical assault?.

Good Public Health Research Topics
  • Social media in the discourse of public health.
  • Analyzing the effects of climate change on global disease patterns.
  • Exploring how technology is transforming healthcare delivery and access in disadvantaged communities.
  • Assessing the impact of health education on health behaviour change.
WHO: Public health, environmental and social determinants of health TOPICS
  • Air pollution.
  • Chemical safety.
  • Children's environmental health.
  • Climate change and human health.
  • Electromagnetic fields.
  • Environmental health impact assessment.
  • Environmental health in emergencies.
  • Health and sustainable development.

How can public health improve communities?

The goal of public health is to improve the health of the population.
It extends across a series of disciplines such as:

  • individual lifestyle
  • disease control
  • how the political system affects population health.
    As part of the means of achieving these goals, it is essential to carry out research that focuses on the health of the public.
  • What are the most common community health topics?

    The following is a list of community health education topics to help you choose relevant topics:

  • The critical role of nurses in raising awareness and educating patients in a multicultural environment- literature review.
    Frailty as a deciding factor for nursing home placement- review of literature.
  • What resources are available to support community health workers?


  • Conferences provide quality education and networking for community health workers and other health or helping professionals.
    Our annual conference grants continuing education units (CEUs) for CHWs and Social Workers.

  • Categories

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    Community health is under what faculty
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