Community journalism articles

  • How do you organize a journalist article?

    Newspaper Article Outline

    1. Article outline
    2. I.
    3. Lead sentence.
      Grab and hook your reader right away.
    4. II.
    5. Introduction.
      Which facts and figures will ground your story? .
    6. III.
    7. Opening quotation.
    8. IV.
    9. Main body.
    10. V.
    11. Closing quotation.
    12. VI.
    13. Conclusion (optional—the closing quote may do the job)

  • What are the topics of community journalism?

    Some examples of topics are students on the honor roll at the local high school, school sports, crimes such as vandalism, zoning issues and other details of community life..

  • What do you mean by community journalism?

    Community journalism is locally-oriented, professional news coverage that typically focuses on city neighborhoods, individual suburbs or small towns, rather than metropolitan, state, national or world news.
    If it covers wider topics, community journalism concentrates on the effect they have on local readers..

  • What is journalism articles?

    Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really happened, but that they might not have known about already.
    People who write journalism are called "journalists." They might work at newspapers, magazines, websites or for TV or radio stations..

  • Where can I find journalist sources?

    Sites for Journalists

    Search all the Journalism Sites via Google Custom Search. Journalist's Resource: Knowledge-based Reporting. Journalist's Toolbox. Nieman Reports: Covering Thought Leadership in Journalism. Poynter Online. Pew Research Center Journalism & Media. Online News Association..

  • Why do journalists write articles?

    The purpose of journalism is thus to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments..

  • External factors include technology advancements, business consolidations and social media influences.
    Internal factors include shrinking newsrooms, declining revenue and newspaper consolidations.
  • Journalists are expected to provide a fair opinion because they are committed to finding the truth and presenting it to the public.
    The “news” is a function in peoples' lives.
    As such, it provides people with the best possible available information so they can make informed decisions about all aspects of their lives.
An important part of community journalism is the fact that it covers issues and events that are local instead of being overlooked by larger news platforms. Residents look to the local newspaper to get information on citywide events to grand openings.
Community journalism encourages journalists and news managers to find ways to capture citizen priorities, concerns and perspectives on different issues of 
Rather than focusing on world news, community journalism concentrates on stories that affect readers from a certain community. For instance, local politics and sports would not interest most national organizations.

Is community journalism underrepresented?

Within the larger journalism research sphere, community journalism remains underrepresented, even though the majority of publications in the United States can be classified as community journals, and throughout the world, small publications, both in print and online are commanding respect.

Should community journalism be virtual?

Furthermore, Friedland makes the case for a more virtual consideration of community journalism, writing, “Whereas before the limits of communication made it necessary to live with at least some ‘unlike-others‘ in the same place, now it is possible for people to opt out of proximate communities and focus on niche communities on the Internet” (151).

What are the tenets of community journalism?

From our review of the community journalism literature, we know that one of the fundamental tenets is that the reporters become one with the community, attending local events as citizens first and then as reporters and serving as an adviser and advocate.

What can community journalists do?

Community journalists can also help build place attachment and create third places for community members to congregate and interact socially in.
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Printed from Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Communication.

What are some good books about community journalism?

Lauterer, Jock 2006

Community Journalism: Relentlessly Local

Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press

[Google Scholar] Putnam, Robert


Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community

Boston: Touchstone Books

[Google Scholar] Rainie, Lee, and Barry Wellman


Networked: The New Social Operating System

What is community journalism?

Existing research on community journalism has identified key distinctions between community journalism and other types

First, community media focus on information connected to everyday life, and second, its media members tend to develop a closer, more intimate connection to the community they serve

Why does community news research focus on the United States?

Community news research often focuses on the United States, largely because of the American ideals of individualism and local control, and how the press developed in the country (Ali, )

Academic use of the concept of community journalism as proposed by Lauterer () is primarily a North American concept


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