Citizen journalism case study

  • How social media affects citizen journalism?

    The Rise of Citizen Journalism
    Instantaneous Reporting: Social media platforms have empowered individuals to report news and events as they unfold, eliminating the time lag between an incident and its coverage by traditional news outlets..

  • Citizen journalism is the act of non-professional individuals reporting and sharing news and events, often through social media or other online platforms.
  • Community Reporting
    Citizen journalism can also focus on local stories and community issues that may not receive attention from traditional media outlets.
    This could include reporting on local government actions, neighborhood events, and grassroots initiatives.
  • Writers, editors and journalists regularly ask for case studies as they inject colour and stir emotion in people, creating a captive audience.
    A case study can be used by the media in various ways: it may accompany a feature, be used to personalise a news story or can be published on its own.
His study includes empirical data examining the immense following and support that citizen journalism receives among Nigerians at home and in the diaspora, and 

Does citizen-journalism influence the number of stories traditional newspaper journalists covered?

without crediting them.
Cyr, Carpenter, and Lacy (2010) found that citizen-journalism coverage influenced the number of stories traditional newspaper journalists covered Citizen Journalism Page5of25 PRINTED FROM the OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA, COMMUNICATION ( (c) Oxford University Press USA, 2019.

Is citizen journalism a form of civic participation?

to what extent these motivations and behaviors actually reflect forms of community or political participation.
A few scholars, such as:

  • Campbell (2017)
  • have argued that citizen journalism is a form of active citizenship in which ordinary people express their views.
  • Is citizen journalism a threat to the mainstream media?

    The outcome, which reflects views from these zones, is that though Nigerians have sustained attraction to citizen journalism, it cannot replace neither is it a threat to the mainstream media.
    This study demands further findings on the specific slant and depth of collaboration that can help tame the excesses of citizen journalism.
    View Show abstract .

    Why should we study citizen journalism?

    For those of us interested in journalism studies, a more targeted approach in the field of citizen journalism can help us build community around scholarship, understand citizen journalists’ contributions to society and practice, and create a more a stable foundation of knowledge concerning people who create and comment on news content.

    Can you write a custom case study on citizen journalism?

    We can write a Custom Case Study on Citizen Journalism for you! There is no censorship in blogs and very often the facts are presented as they are in the objective way, while the TV and a governmental newspaper can filter the information and present it from the favourable point of view

    How to present much information about the issue of citizen journalism?

    When the student wants to present much information about the issue of citizen journalism, he should dwell on the general side of the problem and then focus on the direct case of citizen journalism analyzing the case in detail


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