Citizen journalism in hindi

  • नागरिक पत्रकारिता कब शुरू हुई?

    नागरिक पत्रकार की आधुनिक अवधारणा का पता 2000 में लगाया जा सकता है, जब दक्षिण कोरियाई ऑनलाइन उद्यमी ओह येओन-हो ने कहा था कि "प्रत्येक नागरिक एक रिपोर्टर है।" ओह और तीन सहकर्मियों ने एक ऑनलाइन दैनिक समाचार पत्र, ओहमीन्यूज़ शुरू किया, क्योंकि वे पारंपरिक दक्षिण कोरियाई प्रेस से असंतुष्ट थे।.

  • नागरिक पत्रकारिता के मुद्दे क्या हैं?

    नागरिक पत्रकारिता, वह पत्रकारिता जो ऐसे लोगों द्वारा संचालित की जाती है जो पेशेवर पत्रकार नहीं हैं लेकिन जो वेब साइटों, ब्लॉगों और सोशल मीडिया का उपयोग करके सूचना प्रसारित करते हैं।.

  • नागरिक पत्रकारिता से क्या अभिप्राय है?

    नागरिक पत्रकारिता का उद्देश्य पारंपरिक समाचार मीडिया के लिए एक विकल्प प्रदान करना है, जो अक्सर कवरेज में अंतराल को भरता है और मुख्यधारा की रिपोर्टिंग में प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं किए गए परिप्रेक्ष्य की पेशकश करता है।.

Is citizen journalism on the rise in India?

Citizen journalism is on the rise in India.
Through the lens of the intermedia agenda setting theory, content analysis and qualitative interviews, this study looks at how one citizen led media outlet, CGNET Swara, works to influence the agendas of India’s largest print media organisation, The Times of India.

What does a citizen journalist do?

In the process, citizen journalists bring alternative perspectives to the traditionally centralised mainstream media system with their firsthand audio, video and written accounts, grassroots analyses of socio-political protests, environmental concerns, human rights abuses, political corruption and so on.

When did citizen journalism start in China?

Researchers interested in the emergence of citizen journalism in China frequently highlight one of its earliest formative instances, namely the spontaneous reportage of local people in the immediate aftermath of the 12 May 2008 earthquake in Wenchuan, which claimed approximately 70,000 lives.

How to encourage citizen journalism in Kashmir?

One of leading daily English newspapers of the valley, Greater Kashmir, has taken a step forward to encourage citizen journalism in Kashmir by giving space to write-ups and photographs sent by citizen journalists that are mostly published on city page of the newspaper

What is citizen journalism in India?

Citizen journalism is on the rise in the Indian sub-continent

While the country’s vibrant media scenes sees the entrance of new corporate created news magazines and television channels regularly, citizen journalism outlets are also coming into their own as individual news outlets serving specific areas and communities

Use of unmanned aircraft for journalism

Drone journalism is the use of drones, or unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), for journalistic purposes.
According to the Federal Aviation Administration, an unmanned aircraft is a device that is used, or is intended to be used, for flight in the air with no onboard pilot.


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