How can journalism affect the community

By providing coverage of local events and issues, community journalists help to create a sense of belonging and pride in one's community. This, in turn, can lead to increased community engagement, improved social cohesion, and a greater sense of community well-being.
By providing coverage of local events and issues, community journalists help to create a sense of belonging and pride in one's community. This, in turn, can lead to increased community engagement, improved social cohesion, and a greater sense of community well-being.
By providing coverage of local events and issues, community journalists help to create a sense of belonging and pride in one's community. This, in turn, can lead to increased community engagement, improved social cohesion, and a greater sense of community well-being.

How does journalism affect people's lives?

Journalism confronts people with a reality they may or may not want to accept, provides new perspectives people may have never considered before, informs and entertains

It makes people question and seek answers, debate and inspires

Journalism affects each individual differently, but it still makes an impact on people’s daily lives

What is social media & how does it affect journalism?

Social media, in particular, add a new layer of diffusion, that includes journalists and other actors disseminating both mainstream and non-mainstream news content

What is the role of a journalist?

Journalism is a powerful and trusted source of information that can negatively or positively impact the way that a person thinks about a subject, therefore my role as a journalist is to provide all of the information necessary for the reader to make a judgement and act upon it


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