Comparative law legal families

  • What are the four major families of law found around the world?

    Among the main groups that you might encounter are: 1) common law; 2) civil law; 3) religious law; and 4) customary law..

  • Among the main groups that you might encounter are: 1) common law; 2) civil law; 3) religious law; and 4) customary law.
  • Comparative legal research is a systematic exposition of rules, institutions, and procedures or their application prevalent in one or more legal systems or their sub-systems with a comparative evaluation after an objective estimation of their similarities and differences and their implications.
A legal family is structured genealogically, with a parent legal order and its historical offspring or siblings. There are many classification systems for legal  The Idea of Legal FamiliesSome Approaches to Legal
Traditionally, comparative law used the concept of legal families in order to cluster the legal systems of the world, mostly into simplified groups like common law countries and civil law countries. This method of classification has long been criticized as too simplistic and too Western.
Traditionally, comparative law used the concept of legal families in order to cluster the legal systems of the world, mostly into simplified groups like common law countries and civil law countries. This method of classification has long been criticized as too simplistic and too Western.
Traditionally, comparative law used the concept of legal families in order to cluster the legal systems of the world, mostly into simplified groups like common law countries and civil law countries. This method of classification has long been criticized as too simplistic and too Western.

Are legal families a comparative law approach?

The aim of this article is to give an account of legal families as a comparative law approach and as a classification of legal systems

The text discusses especially the future of legal families

The article begins with a short review of macro-comparative law’s basic approaches and concepts

Do legal systems have a comparative relationship?

Though the concept of legal systems has dominated western legal theory for the last two centuries, just as the concept of legal families has dominated that of the scientific discipline of comparative law, the comparative relations of legal traditions remained vigorous at the level of judicial and legal practice in most of the world

How have comparatists divided the world into 'legal families'?

For much of the twentieth century, comparatists have divided the world into ‘legal families’ (such as the civil law, the common law, socialist law, etc

) and assigned each (national) legal system a place in one of them


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