Law comparative judgement

  • What is a comparative Judgement?

    Comparative judgement is a process where judges compare two responses and decide which is better.
    Research has shown the process to be as reliable as double marking, but much quicker.
    Daisy Christodoulou gives a demonstration involving children's writing..

  • What is a comparative judgment?

    Comparative judgement is based on the principle that people are better at making comparisons between pieces of work than at making absolute judgements about quality..

  • What is an example of the law of comparative Judgement?

    For example, suppose that someone wishes to measure the perceived weights of a series of five objects of varying masses.
    By having people compare the weights of the objects in pairs, data can be obtained and the law of comparative judgment applied to estimate scale values of the perceived weights..

  • What is the method of comparative Judgement?

    Comparative judgement reflects the consensus between assessors.
    And that without lengthy discussions, but simply by the statistical model (Bradley-Terry-Luce) underlying the method.
    It calculates a quality scale from lesser to better quality.
    It also becomes quickly clear which assessors deviate from the consensus..

  • What is the theory of comparative Judgement?

    In somewhat more technical terms, the law of comparative judgment is a mathematical representation of a discriminal process, which is any process in which a comparison is made between pairs of a collection of entities with respect to magnitudes of an attribute, trait, attitude, and so on..

  • Who gave the law of comparative Judgement?

    Originally published as: Louis L.
    Thurstone. "A Law of Comparative Judgment." Psychology Review, 34 (1927): 273-286..

  • Who is known for the law of comparative Judgement?

    Louis L.
    Thurstone. "A Law of Comparative Judgment." Psychology Review, 34 (1927): 273-286..

  • Who proposed the law of comparative Judgement?

    Originally published as: Louis L.
    Thurstone. "A Law of Comparative Judgment." Psychology Review, 34 (1927): 273-286..

  • Why do we use comparative Judgement?

    Comparative Judgement is quick
    Swift judgement makes the process quicker than traditional marking when it comes to assessing open-ended answers showing students' understanding..

  • Comparative ratings involve relative judgments of a target in comparison with other individuals or groups, whereas absolute ratings involve judgments of a target on scales that do not explicitly reference other people.
  • With absolute judgement you look at one task, whereas with comparative judgement you situate the task in relation to other tasks.
    In addition, with comparative judgement you also choose for a holistic approach.
In somewhat more technical terms, the law of comparative judgment is a mathematical representation of a discriminal process, which is any process in which a comparison is made between pairs of a collection of entities with respect to magnitudes of an attribute, trait, attitude, and so on.
The law of comparative judgment was conceived by L. L. Thurstone. In modern-day terminology, it is more aptly described as a model that is used to obtain measurements from any process of pairwise comparison.
The law of comparative judgment was conceived by L. L. Thurstone. In modern-day terminology, it is more aptly described as a model that is used to obtain measurements from any process of pairwise comparison. Wikipedia
This perceptual ranking is called the law of comparative judgement. It was developed by Thurstone. It allows n things to be ranked scaled based on pairwise responses obtained over all possible combination of n things taken two at a time.

Can comparative judgment be used to assess academic writing?

van Daal, T , Lesterhuis, M , Coertjens, L , Donche, V , & Maeyer, S D (2019)

Validity of comparative judgment to assess academic writing: Examining implications of its holistic character and building on a shared consensus

Is comparative judgment a law?

Although Thurstone referred to it as a law, in terms of modern psychometric theory the 'law' of comparative judgment is more aptly described as a measurement model

When did Thurstone write the law of comparative judgment?

Thurstone published a paper on the law of comparative judgment (LCJ) in 1927

In this paper he introduced the underlying concept of a psychological continuum for a particular 'project in measurement ' involving the comparison between a series of stimuli, such as weights and handwrighting specimens, in pairs

Technique for generating reliable results for educational assessment

Adaptive comparative judgement is a technique borrowed from psychophysics which is able to generate reliable results for educational assessment – as such it is an alternative to traditional exam script marking.
In the approach, judges are presented with pairs of student work and are then asked to choose which is better, one or the other.
By means of an iterative and adaptive algorithm, a scaled distribution of student work can then be obtained without reference to criteria.
Law comparative judgement
Law comparative judgement

Story from the Hebrew Bible

The Judgement of Solomon is a story from the Hebrew Bible in which Solomon ruled between two women who both claimed to be the mother of a child.
Solomon ordered the baby be cut in half, with each woman to receive one half.
The first woman accepted the compromise as fair, but the second begged Solomon to give the baby to her rival, preferring the baby to live, even without her.
Solomon ordered the baby given to the second woman, as her love was selfless, as opposed to the first woman's selfish disregard for the baby's actual well-being.
Some consider this approach to justice an archetypal example of an impartial judge displaying wisdom in making a ruling.


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