Comparative legal research involves mcq

  • .
    1. Research means a repeated search
    2. . .
    3. Research is basically an answer to a question
    4. . .
    5. Research provides an authentic solution to a problem
    6. . .
    7. Research is an endeavour to prove one's hypothesis
  • What are the two main types of research Mcq?

    Types of Research Question 1 Detailed Solution

    Descriptive research is a type of research that seeks to describe the characteristics of a population or phenomenon. Correlational research is a type of research that seeks to determine the relationship between two or more variables..

  • What are the two main types of research Mcq?

    Explanation: Fundamental research, also known as basic research or pure research does not usually generate findings that have immediate applications in a practical level..

  • What is research MCQ?


    1. Research means a repeated search
    2. . .
    3. Research is basically an answer to a question
    4. . .
    5. Research provides an authentic solution to a problem
    6. . .
    7. Research is an endeavour to prove one's hypothesis

  • What is the purpose of doing research Mcq?

    To explore knowledge.
    To find out the solution to a problem.
    To investigate an existing problem.
    To generate new method, plan, system, etc..

  • What is the research process of Mcq?

    Explanation: The research process comprises classifying, locating, evaluating, and investigating the data, which is required to support your research question, followed by developing and expressing your ideas..

  • What type of research is fundamental research mcq?

    Types of Research Question 12

    Experimental research design.Historical research design.Ex post-facto research design.Descriptive survey research design..

  • What type of research is fundamental research mcq?

    Explanation: Fundamental research, also known as basic research or pure research does not usually generate findings that have immediate applications in a practical level..

  • Which of the following are the types of research mcq?

    To explore knowledge.
    To find out the solution to a problem.
    To investigate an existing problem.
    To generate new method, plan, system, etc..

  • Types of Research Question 12

    Experimental research design.Historical research design.Ex post-facto research design.Descriptive survey research design.
  • Descriptive research refers to the methods that describe the characteristics of the variables under study.
    This methodology focuses on answering questions relating to “what” than the “why” of the research subject.
MCQs on Legal Research with answers. In this post, 19 Multiple choice questions (MCQs) on Legal Research are posted: 1. Comparative legal research involves –.

What are the disadvantages of Comparative Legal Research?

The drawbacks of this approach are that it may be too formalistic, and may lead to oversimplifying the legal doctrine.
Comparative legal research methodology involves critical analysis of different bodies of law to examine how the outcome of a legal issue could be different under each set of laws.

What is a comparative law?

relative law.
At the time, for the proponents of such a meaning, the object of comparative law national, European or international law.
Comparative law is not a legal system or a set of norms applicable in a particular field or territory.
Some voices have insisted that the subject of 16 Kamba (n 2) 488. 17 Örücü (n 2) 44. ii.

What is a quest for 'better law' through comparative law?

The overarching aim of a quest for ‘better law’ through the use of comparative law comprises different kinds of objectives as developed by Siems.
First, systematic quest for the better law.
The practical and intellectual benefits of resorting to 32 R Sacco, cited in Samuel (n 8) 20.

Why are comparative legal studies being pursued at doctoral level?

Comparative legal studies are also increasingly being pursued at doctoral level.
In a sense, ‘we are all comparatists now’,4 or bound to be. comparative law.
One of these reasons could be that the scholar wishes ‘to give an edge’ to her research.
It is often the case that a research topic not strictly on international law or European .

How does a good managed government use comparative legal research?

Usually a good managed government willemploy the services of comparatists to embark on comparative legal research and come up with solutions to certain problems

By research grants a number of laws have been passed and are always very effective at the long run


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