International humanitarian law and ukraine

  • What are the IHL violations in Ukraine?

    Tragically, there have been myriad reports of international humanitarian law (IHL) violations in Russia's war in Ukraine, including widespread reports of attacks directed against civilians and civilian objects, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners of war..

  • What are the IHL violations in Ukraine?

    Tragically, there have been myriad reports of international humanitarian law (IHL) violations in Russia's war in Ukraine, including widespread reports of attacks directed against civilians and civilian objects, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners of war.Apr 7, 2023.

  • What is a violation of international humanitarian law in Ukraine?

    Tragically, there have been myriad reports of international humanitarian law (IHL) violations in Russia's war in Ukraine, including widespread reports of attacks directed against civilians and civilian objects, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners of war.Apr 7, 2023.

  • What is international humanitarian law of war?

    International humanitarian law is a set of rules that seek to limit the effects of armed conflict.
    It protects people who are not or are no longer participating in hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare..

  • What is the humanitarian impact of the Ukraine war?

    These include the 2022 Ukrainian refugee crisis, the disruption of global food supplies, death and suffering of civilian population, widespread conscription in both in Russia and Ukraine, severe effects on Ukrainian society and emigration of Russian population..

  • Why is international humanitarian law important in Ukraine and around the world?

    The rules are designed to protect civilians and humanitarian and medical workers during armed conflicts in any part of the world..

  • Why is international humanitarian law important?

    International humanitarian law, also known as the law of armed conflict, is the body of wartime rules that protect people who are not or are no longer participating in hostilities.
    IHL also restricts the means and methods of war.
    Its central purpose is to limit and prevent human suffering in times of armed conflict..

  • IHL has two branches: • the 'law of Geneva', which is the body of rules that protects victims of armed conflict, such as military personnel who are hors de combat and civilians who are not or are no longer directly participating in hostilities • the 'law of The Hague', which is the body of rules establishing the rights
  • International humanitarian law and international human rights law are two distinct but complementary bodies of law.
    They are both concerned with the protection of life, health and dignity.
    IHL applies in armed conflict while human rights law applies at all times, in peace and in war.
  • Tragically, there have been myriad reports of international humanitarian law (IHL) violations in Russia's war in Ukraine, including widespread reports of attacks directed against civilians and civilian objects, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners of war.Apr 7, 2023
Geneva Convention IV (1949) – also applicable to the conflict in Ukraine and ratified by 196 states – requires occupying powers, such as Russia in several Ukrainian regions, to ensure that the occupied population is supplied with food and other essentials, including by bringing resources in and, where supplies remain
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered a humanitarian crisis and raises multiple legal questions. We highlight crucial humanitarian and protection issues 
We provide independent analysis and background on the legal aspects of the conflict to strengthen international humanitarian law (IHL) and to ensure the 

Is the Russian invasion of Ukraine a humanitarian crisis?

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered a humanitarian crisis and raises multiple legal questions

We highlight crucial humanitarian and protection issues in the conflict

The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces on 24 February 2022 was a violation of international law

Was the invasion of Ukraine a violation of international law?

The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces on 24 February 2022 was a violation of international law

We provide independent analysis and background on the legal aspects of the conflict to strengthen international humanitarian law (IHL) and to ensure the protection of affected populations

For whose actions is the state responsible?

What are the principles of international humanitarian law?

These are the principles of distinction, proportionality and precautions, all codified in Additional Protocol I and all customary international law

They aim to protect civilians against the effect of hostilities

Attacks carried out with new technologies and cyber means must also respect international humanitarian law

International humanitarian law and ukraine
International humanitarian law and ukraine
During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian authorities and armed forces may have committed war crimes by carrying out deliberate attacks against civilian targets and indiscriminate attacks in densely-populated areas.
The United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine says the Russian military exposed the civilian population to unnecessary and disproportionate harm by using cluster bombs and by firing other weapons with wide-area effects into civilian areas, such as missiles, heavy artillery shells and multiple launch rockets.
As of the beginning of July 2023, the attacks had resulted in the documented deaths of between 9,300 and 16,500 civilians.
On 22 April 2022, the UN reported that 92.3% of civilian deaths were attributable to the Russian armed forces.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a broad range of humanitarian impacts, both in Ukraine and internationally.
These include the 2022 Ukrainian refugee crisis, the disruption of global food supplies, death and suffering of civilian population, widespread conscription in both in Russia and Ukraine, severe effects on Ukrainian society and emigration of Russian population.
During the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War between the

During the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War between the

During the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War between the Ukrainian government forces and pro-Russian separatists in the Donbas region of Ukraine that began in April 2014, many international organisations and states noted a deteriorating humanitarian situation in the conflict zone.

United Nations commission on the Russo-Ukrainian War

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry in Ukraine is a United Nations commission of inquiry established by the United Nations Human Rights Council on 4 March 2022 with a mandate to investigate violations of human rights and of international humanitarian law in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The Commission delivered its reports on 18 October 2022 and 16 March 2023.


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