International law against child labor

Are there any rules or laws about child labor?

While older children can work unlimited hours in jobs that are determined to be safe, younger children can only work in certain jobs and have restricted hours.
As a general rule, children must be at least fourteen years old to do any non-agricultural work.
Most of these laws are enacted by a federal law called the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Ilo Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention

ILO Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention No. 182 requires ratifying countries to take immediate action to prohibit and eliminate the worst forms of child labor defined as: all forms of slavery, commercial sexual exploitation of children, and any work that by its nature is harmful to the health, safety, or morals of children.
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Tariff Act of 1930

Tariff Act of 1930 was amended on February 11, 2016, through an amendment (H.R. 644) that closed the consumptive demand exemption in Section 307, effectively barring all products made by convict, forced or indentured labor.
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What are the worst child labor countries?

Child labor throughout this region varies considerably, as do mitigation efforts.
In Afghanistan, child laborers are involved in everything from farming to mining to selling goods, and the worst forms of child labor in the country are likely armed conflict and sexual exploitation.
In Indonesia, children fish, lay bricks, and drive buses, and ..

What does the law say about child labor?

Federal child labor law generally prohibits employing minors under the age of 14 in nonagricultural occupations and restricts the hours and types of work that can be performed by minors under 16 years old.
However, the entertainment industry is exempted from the federal regime, thus leaving it up to the states to regulate child entertainers.

Is child labour a human right?

The term “child labour” should not be confused with “youth employment” or “student work

” Child labour is a form of exploitation that is a violation of a human right and it is recognized and defined by international instruments

It is the declared policy of the international community and of almost all Governments to abolish child labour

Is child labour illegal?

Child labour is forbidden by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which imposes obligations on state parties to eliminate it

Child labour deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and is harmful to their physical and mental development

What types of child labour are proscribed under international law?

Child labour that is proscribed under international law falls into three categories: The unconditional worst forms of child labour, which are internationally defined as slavery, trafficking, debt bondage and other forms of forced labour, forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict, prostitution and pornography, and illicit activities


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