International law regarding migration

  • Who proposed the rules of migration?

    Most migrants move only a short distance.
    There is a process of absorption, whereby people immediately surrounding a rapidly growing town move into it and the gaps they leave are filled by migrants from more distant areas, and so on until the attractive force [pull factors] is spent..

  • Civil Rights Laws – immigrants, regardless of their status, are protected from unlawful discrimination in employment, education, housing, and public accommodations (e.g., restaurants, hotels) on various bases, such as race, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and age.
Existing legal instruments provide a comprehensive legal framework for the governance of international migration. Well-defined rules address the treatment of a 


Humans have migrated throughout history.
People migrate for different reasons, such as reuniting with their families; seeking better economic opportunities; and escaping human rights abuses, including armed conflict, persecution, and torture.
See Amnesty International, People on the Move.
Migrants are generally entitled to the same human rights pro.

What is the International Migration Law unit (IML)?

Through its International Migration Law Unit (IML), IOM works to strengthen and promote the Organization’s involvement in International Migration Law.

What Rights Do Migrants have?

According to international human rights norms, which are based upon the inherent dignity of every person, migrants enjoy the fundamental rights afforded to all persons regardless of their legal status in a State.
See Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted 10 December 1948), UNGA Res. 217 A(III) (UDHR), art.
1) See also Human Rights Committe.

Which bodies of international law provide the basis for national migration laws?

The bodies of international law which provide the basis for national migration laws, policies and practice include:

  • international human rights law
  • international labour law and standards
  • international refugee law
  • international criminal law
  • international humanitarian law
  • international consular law
  • and international maritime law.
  • Who Is A Migrant?

    There is no clear, universally agreed upon definition of a migrant, sometimes referred to as international migrant.
    See Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Migration and Human Rights: Improving Human Rights-Based Governance of International Migration(2013),.
    7) Some human rights bodies and experts differentiate b.

    What are the responsibilities of the States Parties to international migration?


    Without prejudice to article 79 of the present Convention, the States Parties concerned shall as appropriate consult and co-operate with a view to promoting sound, equitable and humane conditions in connection with international migration of workers and members of their families


    What is a legal framework for international migration?

    […] Existing legal instruments provide a comprehensive legal framework for the governance of international migration

    Well-defined rules address the treatment of a range of migrants including, among others: migrant women, men, children, refugees, stateless persons, migrant workers, and migrant victims of trafficking


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