International law talk

  • What are the sources of international trade law?

    These sources include treaties and conventions, decisions of courts in various countries (including decisions in your own state and nation), decisions of regional courts (such as the European Court of Justice), the World Trade Organization (WTO), resolutions of the United Nations (UN), and decisions by regional trade .

  • What is the role of the international law?

    International law is the term given to the rules which govern relations between states.
    Despite the absence of any superior authority to enforce such rules, international law is considered by states as binding upon them, and it is this fact which gives these rules the status of law..

  • What is the theory of international law for Hart?

    For Hart international law consists mainly of primary rules, and he expresses doubts whether any secondary rules exist on the international level.
    He then examines in greater detail whether the lack of centralized sanctions pre- cludes the characterization of international law as law..

  • International Custom.General Principles of Law.Teachings of Highly Qualified Publicists.International Conventions (Treaties)Case law.
$110.00Examining legal argumentation by states and other actors in the settings where it mostly transpires - outside of courts, Talking International Law challenges 
Stay up-to-date with experts on the latest developments in International Arbitration, IP Law, International Tax Law, and other international legal fields.
The podcast discussion considers and explores: Construction, Tender Disputes, and the Role for Arbitration. Listen to the discussion.

Are traditional international legal topics relevant to international Internet law issues?

While issues such as:

  • governance of the internet are unique and require specific discussion
  • researchers may look to traditional international legal topics for guidance on international internet law issues.
  • What is international law?

    International law is the body of legal rules, regulations, standards, and principles that govern international relations between or among states and other international actors.

    Who first discussed international law?

    The first to discuss international law were the Spanish Scholastics such as:

  • Francisco de Vitoria (1486–1546) and Francisco Suarez (1548–1617)
  • who relied heavily on Catholic theology in their interpretations of international law (which failed to convince the Protestant community).
  • When is the London Conference on international law 2024?

    The 3rd edition of the London Conference on International Law will take place in Westminster, London on the 17th and 18th October 2024, bringing together international law academics, judges, practitioners, representatives of civil society, business-leaders, and other stakeholders to see how States and all other actors engage with international law

    International law encompasses the protection of human rights both in conflict situations and post-conflict reconstruction.
    The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1979 and has the goal of promoting women's rights.
    Women have contributed to work on post-conflict reconstruction, aid and ceasefire negotiations.
    They have also contributed to the Geneva II peace talks regarding Syria, and were involved in the Rohingya conflict in Myanmar as 'front-line responders'.


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