International law and development in the global south

  • What are the sources of international economic law?

    International economic law comes from a variety of sources, including treaties between nations, global organizations like the UN, or similar..

  • What is the concept of the Global South?

    The Global South refers to various countries around the world that are sometimes described as “developing,” “less developed” or “underdeveloped.” Many of these countries – although by no means all – are in the Southern Hemisphere, largely in Africa, Asia and Latin America..

  • What is the Global South in international relations?

    The Global South is generally understood to refer to less economically developed countries.
    It is a broad term that comprises a variety of states with diverse levels of economic, cultural, and political influence in the international order..

  • What is the international law around the world?

    International law is a set of rules and principles governing the relations and conduct of sovereign states with each other, as well as with international organizations and individuals.
    Issues that fall under international law include trade, human rights, diplomacy, environmental preservation, and war crimes..

  • What is the international law in the international system?

    International law (also known as public international law and the law of nations) is the set of rules, norms, and standards generally recognised as binding between states..

  • What is the significance of the Global South?

    Shifting Economic and Political Power:
    The Global South has experienced a significant shift in wealth and political visibility in recent decades.
    The World Bank (WB) has acknowledged a "shift in wealth" from the North Atlantic to the Asia-Pacific region, challenging conventional notions of economic power distribution..

  • Who is the father of international law?

    Also a statesman and diplomat, Grotius has been called the “father of international law.”.

  • Most of the countries in the Global South are characterized by low income, dense population, poor infrastructure, and often political or cultural marginalization.
  • The Global South is generally understood to refer to less economically developed countries.
    It is a broad term that comprises a variety of states with diverse levels of economic, cultural, and political influence in the international order.
  • These sources include treaties and conventions, decisions of courts in various countries (including decisions in your own state and nation), decisions of regional courts (such as the European Court of Justice), the World Trade Organization (WTO), resolutions of the United Nations (UN), and decisions by regional trade
  • TWAIL reconsiders the history and development of international law and highlights the colonial legacy inherent in it.
    TWAIL reevaluates the power relationships of the current world order to eradicate the racial hierarchy and oppression present in international law.
$99.00 In stockAnalyses international law issues from the lens of the Global South. Discusses issues on frozen conflicts in Eastern Europe, security in Central Asia,  Table of contentsAbout this book
$99.00 In stockThis book provides contributions in international law, development, and IR from a cross section of jurists and scholars in the developing world.Table of contentsAbout this book

Is inequality in economic power a problem in international environmental law?

It is therefore a welcome addition to the literature of contemporary international environmental law.
The inequality in economic power between the global North and the global South tends, all too often, to result in a violation of some of the basic principles of international law, while preserving the appearance of compliance with them.

What is international environmental law & the Global South?

international environmental law and the global south The unprecedented degradation of the planet’s vital ecosystems is among the most pressing issues confronting the international community.

What is the relationship between international law and the nation-state?

In this article we re-describe the relationship between international law and the nation-state, reversing the usual imagined directionality of the flow between the two.
At its most provocative, our argument is that rather than international law being a creation of the state, making the state is an ongoing project of international law.

Why should international law be important?

Areas that should receive the attention of international law include:

  • the creation of new institutions to handle these matters
  • adoption of new concepts to give them a firm theoretical foundation and a greater public awareness
  • and participation in all these matters by the people of the North and the South.
  • What is international environmental law & the Global South?

    international environmental law and the global south The unprecedented degradation of the planet’s vital ecosystems is among the most pressing issues confronting the international community

    What is International Law & Development?

    Their definition captures succinctly the main prevailing approach of orthodox L&D

    I argue that it could be more accurately termed International Law and Development ( I LD) to explicitly recognise and address the (imperial) international relations that underpin its object of study

    Why should international law be important?

    Areas that should receive the attention of international law include the creation of new institutions to handle these matters, adoption of new concepts to give them a firm theoretical foundation and a greater public awareness, and participation in all these matters by the people of the North and the South

    International non-governmental organization

    The Global Policy Forum (GPF) is an international non-governmental organization founded in December 1993 and based in New York and Bonn .[1] The aim of the Global Policy Forum is to critically accompany and analyze developments in the United Nations and on the topic of global governance.
    Thereby a bridge between the international and the local level is to be built.
    GPF seeks to strengthen intergovernmental organizations and promote multilateralism based on solidarity, international law and the United Nations Charter. The Global Policy Forum also has consultative status on the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
    Jens Martens has been the GPF's executive director since 2014 and director of GPF Europe since its foundation in 2004.[2] 


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