Comparative law meaning scope & objects

Dec 10, 2020Comparative law is a method for the study of laws of different countries. It includes various processes such as analyzing the laws and comparing  IntroductionComparative lawHistoryClassification
Comparative law is defined as the study of differences and similarities between the laws of different countries. It is the systematic application of the comparative technique, a discipline, and a method by which the values of human life are known and evaluated.

Does knowledge of foreign law contain a comparative element?

Second, even „mere― knowledge of foreign law necessarily contains a comparative element, if only because the comparatist regularly looks at another legal system from (and often for) the perspective of her own particular legal system.
Foreign law is thus regularly understood and explained automatically in relationship to one’s own law.

What role does Comparative Law play in the Common Core project?

Among the various projects, comparative law plays the greatest role for the Common Core Project.
This project is compiling the similarities and differences between European legal systems using detailed comparative law case studies, largely without evaluation of these solutions.

What are the two types of Comparative Legal Studies?

In general, comparative legal studies can be divided into two main groups: macro-level comparison and micro-level comparison

While the former represents the comparison of two or more legal systems as a whole, the latter describes the analysis of a specific legal issue and how it is treated in two or more legal systems

Comparative law meaning scope & objects
Comparative law meaning scope & objects

Treaty on applicable law in product liability cases

The Convention on the Law Applicable to Products Liability is a convention concluded in 1971 within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), which governs the law that should be applied to products liability cases.
It entered into force in 1973 and as of 2020, 11 countries are party to it.


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