International law western dominance

  • Is international law colonialism?

    Colonialism and international law have always been closely related. [1] International law was born out of colonialism in the Westphalian period but, in the 20th century the doctrine of state sovereignty and equality gained popularity leading to a dismantlement of empires and colonial rule..

  • What is against international law?

    A state violates international law when it commits an "internationally wrongful act" - a breach of an international obligation that the state was bound by at the time when the act took place.
    A state is bound to act according to international treaties it signed..

  • What is sovereignty in international law?

    In international law, sovereignty means that a government possesses full control over affairs within a territorial or geographical area or limit..

  • What is the TWAIL theory of international law?

    TWAIL-ers underline that international law was created during the colonial era and that it was used to legitimize the global processes of marginalization and domination of the colonized people by Western powers..

  • Colonialism and international law have always been closely related. [1] International law was born out of colonialism in the Westphalian period but, in the 20th century the doctrine of state sovereignty and equality gained popularity leading to a dismantlement of empires and colonial rule.
  • Countries that are part of the “third world” are generally characterized by (1) high rates of poverty, (2) economic and/or political instability, and (3) high mortality rates.
  • TWAIL scholars (known as TWAIL-ers) seek to change what they identify as international law's oppressive aspects, through the re-examination of the colonial foundations of international law.
Mar 21, 2014In the past, international law was used by the Westerners to legitimise colonialism and all their acts of exploitation in the developing  IntroductionInternational Law, Global International Law as an Object
Mar 21, 2014In the past, international law was used by the Westerners to legitimise colonialism and all their acts of exploitation in the developing  IntroductionInternational Law, Global The Use of International Law
Mar 21, 2014International law is the major legal edifice that has been used in nurturing and maintaining colonial and neo-colonial domination of the third  IntroductionInternational Law, Global International Law as an Object
Mar 21, 2014This article examines the view by some scholars who perceive international law as a 'global law made by the West', by concentrating on two  IntroductionInternational Law, Global International Law as an Object

How did international law affect Westerners?

By the instrumentality of international law, the Westerners were able to compel the third-world people and their countries, without obtaining their consent to become the subject of international law.

Is international law a 'global law made by the west'?

Abstract The way in which international law has been constructed and reconstructed over the ages in favour of the Western countries has driven some Third-World scholars to perceive international law as ‘a global law made by the West’ for the purpose of controlling global undertakings.

Should international law be re-drafted?

There should be two representatives (political and legal experts) from each State in the globe (as major actor) in the international law.
In these conventions international law should be re-drafted to reflect the legal and political voices of the States in the international system.

How did international law affect Westerners?

By the instrumentality of international law, the Westerners were able to compel the third-world people and their countries, without obtaining their consent to become the subject of international law

What is the IR discourse of Western dominance?

For Alejandro, the current IR discourse of Western dominance – mostly addressed by critical theorists drawing on poststructuralism, postcolonial studies, and subaltern studies – is created in the centre and expanded to the margins giving conceptual and discursive tools to the oppressed so they can understand the oppression they are suffering


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