International law journal

  • How do I submit a law journal?

    It is common practice to submit your paper to more than one journal at a time.
    Some journals accept direct submissions to their email or through mail.
    Other journals may accept submissions online through ExpressO or Scholastica.
    ExpressO is an online service at

  • How do you format a law journal article?


    1. Times New Roman or similar, 12 pt font
    2. Double spaced lines
    3. One inch margins all around
    4. Footnotes in academic Bluebook style (use the rules on the main white pages instead of the light blue pages at the front of the Bluebook)
    5. Footnotes in same font as text, 10 pt font

  • What are the journals in international law?

    AJIL and AJIL Unbound are indispensable for all professionals working in international law, economics, trade, and foreign affairs.
    ASIL members should log in to the American Society of International Law​ webpages to gain access to the full AJIL archive..

  • What is the impact factor of the International Journal of Law and Information Technology?

    International Journal of Law and Information Technology latest impact IF is 1.27.
    It's evaluated in the year 2022.
    The highest and the lowest impact IF or impact score of this journal are 2.70 (2020) and 0.70 (2016), respectively, in the last 9 years.
    Moreover, its average IS is 1.54 in the previous 9 years..

  • AJIL has a high 5-year impact factor of 1.940.
    The Journal ranks as the most-cited international law journal on Google Scholar.
    The nonprofit, scholarly periodical resource JSTOR considers AJIL to be “the premier English-language scholarly journal in its field."
  • Dziennik Ustaw or Dziennik Ustaw Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (English: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland, abbreviated Dz.
    U.) is the most important Polish publication of legal acts.
    It is the only official source of law for promulgation of Polish laws.
  • It is common practice to submit your paper to more than one journal at a time.
    Some journals accept direct submissions to their email or through mail.
    Other journals may accept submissions online through ExpressO or Scholastica.
    ExpressO is an online service at
  • JILIR was founded in 2004, and has since published 12 volumes, each with between one or two issues.
    It focuses primarily on interdisciplinary discourse at the nexus of international law and international relations.
  • The Yale Law Journal is published eight times a year (monthly from October through June, with the exception of December) by The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc.
    The Journal is printed by Sheridan.
    Periodicals postage paid at New Haven, Connecticut, and additional mailing offices.
    Publication number ISSN 0044-0094.
AJIL is a leading peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly since 1907. It features articles, essays, editorial comments, current developments, and book  AJIL All IssuesAJIL UnboundRussia, Ukraine, and the Latest AJIL Issue
The International Human Rights Law Review is a bi-annual peer-reviewed journal. It aims to stimulate research and thinking on contemporary human rights issues, 
Top 200 law journals is a list of up to date journals on public and private international law, foreign and comparative law, international relations, peace.

Should I join a law journal?

You should only join a law journal if you are truly committed and if you are sure that’s how you want to spend your free time in law school.
Next, let’s review the different types of law journals to see which ones peak your interest.
First, let’s talk about Law Review.
If you don’t know already, Law Review is a big deal.

What is International Law Journal?

It aspires to introduce or amplify refreshing and innovative approaches to perennial as well as topical issues in the field

The Journal’s focus rests on international legal theory, international law and practice, international criminal law, as well as international courts and tribunals

What is the International Law Students Association (ILJ)?

A recent ILJ article won the International Law Students Association's Francis Deak Prize for the top student-written article published in a student-edited international law journal

Finally, the ILJ leads discussion and debate on international law at HLS by hosting various speakers and symposia

Peer-reviewed journal

Nordic Journal of International Law is peer-reviewed journal published by Brill Nijhoff.
It focuses on topic related to Nordic countries and its legal topics.


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