Competition law japan

  • Does Japan have fair trade?

    In Japan, a total of six cities have been certified as Fair Trade Towns: Kumamoto, which became Japan's first Fair Trade Town in 2011; Nagoya (2015); Zushi (2016); Hamamatsu (2017); Sapporo (2019); and Inabe (2019)..

  • What is the Japanese Competition Act?

    The Japanese American Evacuation Claims Act of July 2, 1948, provided compensation to Japanese American citizens removed from the West Coast during World War II (WWII) for losses of real and personal property.
    Approximately 26,550 claims totaling $142,000 were filed..

  • What is the monopoly law in Japan?

    indirect purpose of the antimonopoly laws.
    The first of these is the familiar prohibition of conduct which would be destructive of free and fair competition.
    Three types of conduct are prohibited: (1) private monopolization, (2) unreasonable trade restraints, and (3) unfair business practices..

  • What is the Unfair Competition Act Japan?

    The main characteristics of the Unfair Competition Prevention Law of 1934 were: (1) that it covered three types of acts, i.e., acts of causing confusion by a well-known indication, acts of falsely indicating of the place of origin, and acts injurious to another person's business reputation; (2) that the “purpose of .

  • In Japan, a total of six cities have been certified as Fair Trade Towns: Kumamoto, which became Japan's first Fair Trade Town in 2011; Nagoya (2015); Zushi (2016); Hamamatsu (2017); Sapporo (2019); and Inabe (2019).
  • In the internationally successful group of industries in Table 1, the level of local competition and the intensity of local rivalry is extremely high.
    Numerous firms compete in each industry, often because of imitative entry by keiretsu.
Antimonopoly Act MacArthur's AMA, which is still Japan's fundamental competition law, generalised prohibitions against three types of anticompetitive conduct. private monopolization. unreasonable restraints of trade and. unfair methods of competition.
Japanese competition law consists of the Antimonopoly Act (独占禁止法, Dokusen Kinshihō, "AMA"), officially the Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade (私的独占の禁止及び公正取引の確保に関する法律, Shiteki-dokusen no Kinshi oyobi Kōseitorihiki no Kakuho ni Kansuru Hōritsu, Act No.
The Antimonopoly Act prohibits mergers and acquisitions, if they would result in a substantial restraint of competition in any particular field of trade. The 
The JFTC has adopted an active policy to apply criminal penalties to violations that (a) substantially restrict competition in a particular field of trade, including price cartels, supply restraint cartels, market allocation agreements, bid-rigging and boycotts, which constitute serious cases that are likely to have a
Japanese design law is determined by the Design Act> .
Under this Act, only registered designs are legally protected, and it stipulates the procedure for obtaining a design registration in the Japan Patent Office.
The protection for unregistered design is provided by the Unfair Competition Prevention Act> .
The Act amended in 2019 to expand its scope of protections of graphic images and interior and exterior designs of the architectures, to extend the protection term to 25 years from the filing date, and to accept multiple designs filings.


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