Competition law latest news

Antitrust and Cartels latest news. Latest news and developments. Press release; 19 October 2023 Official Journal - access to European Union law.
New law on digital competition likely to regulate Big Tech An official committee under corporate affairs secretary Manoj Govil - set up to examine the need for 

Can Digital Competition Law be ruled out?

In this “whole of government approach” for regulation of digital markets, there is still a possibility that the proposed digital competition law may not see the light of the day and this cannot be ruled out, said experts.

What will a Digital Competition Act panel do?

It has also been tasked to prepare a draft DCA.
The panel will also have to examine whether existing provisions in the Competition Act and the rules and regulations framed under it are sufficient to deal with the challenges that have emerged from the digital economy.

Will CDCL submit a draft Digital Competition Act?

The extended term of this panel, which was tasked to submit a draft Bill of proposed digital competition law, had expired on October 31.
CDCL will have to submit its report to the government including:

  • a draft Digital Competition Act (DCA)
  • MCA said in an order issued on Tuesday.
  • Will India enact a digital competition law based on DMA?

    Indications are that even if the government were to finally go ahead and enact a digital competition law, the proposed framework is unlikely to be entirely patterned on the Digital Markets Act enacted by the EU.
    This is significant as there has been wide speculation that India’s proposed digital competition law will be based on DMA.

    Competition law latest news
    Competition law latest news

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