Competition law white and case

  • 1st threshold: where the parties achieve a combined global turnover of more than 750 million dirhams; 2nd threshold: where at least two of the parties achieve an individual turnover of more than 250 million dirhams in Morocco; 3rd threshold: the parties have a combined market share of at least 40% in Morocco.
  • What is the competition law theory?

    This model assumes that new firms can freely enter markets and compete with existing firms, or to use legal language, there are no barriers to entry.
    By this term economists mean something very specific, that competitive free markets deliver allocative, productive and dynamic efficiency..

White & Case has one of the most globally recognized track records in antitrust law—having handled many precedent-setting, industry-transforming competition 
White & Case leading international authority on competition law and practice. Discover how clients seek the advice of our antitrust lawyers.

What changes are included in the EU competition law package?

The package introduces important changes for the treatment of distribution agreements under EU competition law, in particular to the rules governing the combination of several different distribution systems, dual distribution, dual pricing and parity obligations.
What are the VBER and Vertical Guidelines? .

What is China's Anti-Unfair Competition Law?

Enacted in 1993 (and subsequently amended in 2017 and 2019), China's Anti-Unfair Competition Law ("AUCL") regulates business operators' unfair competition activities that disrupt market competition and harm the lawful rights and interests of other business operators or consumers.1 .

Who is white & case?

White & Case has one of the most globally recognized track records in antitrust law—having handled many precedent-setting, industry-transforming competition matters of recent times.

Why should you choose White & Case?

"The White & Case competition practice also promotes an inclusive culture within their team and beyond." White & Case leading international authority on competition law and practice.
Discover how clients seek the advice of our antitrust lawyers.

On July 26, 2010, the European Commission announced two separate antitrust investigations into International Business Machines (IBM).
Both cases were related to alleged abuse of IBM's dominant position in the mainframe market.
The first case followed complaints by mainframe emulator vendors T3 Technologies and TurboHercules, later joined by Neon Enterprise Software, and focused on the alleged tying of IBM's mainframe hardware to its mainframe operating system, potentially precluding customers from the execution of mission critical mainframe applications on non-IBM servers.
The second case was an investigation begun on the EC's own initiative that looked into IBM's alleged discriminatory behaviour towards competing suppliers of mainframe maintenance services.


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