Competition law rules

  • Examples of behaviour that could amount to an abuse by a business of its dominant position include: imposing unfair trading terms, such as exclusivity; excessive, predatory or discriminatory pricing; refusal to supply or provide access to essential facilities; and.Dec 1, 2020
Competition law is the field of law that promotes or seeks to maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies.HistoryModern competition lawTheoryPractice
Competition law – an introduction It bans anti- competitive agreements between firms such as agreements to fix prices or to carve up markets, and it makes it illegal for businesses to abuse a dominant market position.

Are UK businesses subject to EU competition law?

The EU rules will cease to have effect within the UK from 1 January 2021 but UK businesses with cross-border activities within the EU will still be subject to EU competition law in respect of those activities, as well as domestic competition law in the EU member states.
UK and EU competition law prohibit two main types of anti-competitive activity:.

Competition law rules
Competition law rules
The laws of Australian rules football were first defined by the Melbourne Football Club in 1859 and have been amended over the years as Australian rules football evolved into its modern form.
The Australian Football Council (AFC), was formed in 1905 and became responsible for the laws, although individual leagues retained a wide discretion to vary them.
Following the restructure of the Victorian Football League's competition as a national competition and the League's renaming to be the Australian Football League (AFL), since 1994, the rules for the game have been maintained by the AFL through its Commission and its Competition Committee.

In rugby league football, the Laws of the Game are the rules governing how the sport is played.
The Laws are the responsibility of the Rugby League International Federation, and cover the play, officiating, equipment and procedures of the game.


Competition law policy
Competition law chapter 1 prohibition
Competition act chapter 1
Competition act chapter 2
Competition act (chapter 50b)
Competition act chapters
Combination in competition law
What does competition law prohibit
Legal 500 competition law
Competition law definition of competitor
Competition law definition undertaking
Competition law definition politics
Competition legal definition
Competition law market definition
Competition law uk definition
Competition law business definition
Competition policy law definition
Competition law merger definition
Competition law compliance definition
Competition act definition