Competition law lpc notes

  • What are legacy notes LPC?

    Try to think of legacy notes as supplementary material to your learning as opposed to the only notes you will have or use.
    There are different types of notes such as ones that cover all course material that are hundreds of pages, or ones that focus on revision so will be condensed..

  • What is competition law explainer?

    Competition law – an introduction
    It bans anti- competitive agreements between firms such as agreements to fix prices or to carve up markets, and it makes it illegal for businesses to abuse a dominant market position..

  • What is the abuse of dominant position in competition law?

    Section 4 of the Act provides that there shall be an abuse of dominant position, where an enterprise or a group: directly or indirectly, imposes unfair or discriminatory: condition in purchase or sale of goods or service or. price in purchase or sale (including predatory price) of goods or service..

  • Why relevant markets are important in competition law?

    Therefore, the relevant market is the market where the competition takes place.
    The enforcement of the provisions of competition law would be not possible without referring to the market where competition takes place..

  • Therefore, the relevant market is the market where the competition takes place.
    The enforcement of the provisions of competition law would be not possible without referring to the market where competition takes place.

3 Practices

 Restrictive Horizontal practices- s4 of the Competition Act Competitive firms are firms that compete in the same market and compete in respect of the same or substitutable service/goods Two Prohibitionss4(1)(a)- rule of reason prohibition- it is open to a party to raise a defence, namely ofthe technological efficiency and pro-competitive gainss4(.

What is Competition Act 89?

Competition Act 89 of 1998:

  • Preamble of the Competition Act (s2) The Act was designed as an Act of redress (of the past inequality) Competition law goes hand-in-hand with transformative constitutionalism- this was its ambition although it has failed to some extent.
    New amendments were brought in in 2019 but there is no case on this yet ii.
  • What makes LPC a good study guide?

    Everything is clearly explained, which means that you can use it as a study guide throughout the year, as well as for efficient revision.
    Different parts of the LPC are taught and examined in different ways, so you need to learn each topic in a certain way.

    Who writes LPC answered?

    LPC Answered is written and updated by both BPP and University of Law students.
    We've tried to cover the full syllabus from every law school, whilst also including:

  • material specific to each.
    Please note that whilst the content of many of the modules provided by each law school is very similar, the modules can differ between providers.

  • Categories

    Competition law summary notes
    Competition law australia notes
    Competition law act notes
    Competition act basics
    Competition law online
    Competition law master online
    Countries with competition law
    Competition law what is it
    Competition policy what is it
    What is anti competition law
    Competition law officer canada
    Competition law firms canada
    Competition law of canada juris
    Competition law policy canada
    Competition law regulations canada
    Competition act canada
    Competition act canlii
    Competition act canada summary
    Competition act canada non-solicitation
    Competition act canada amendments