Competition law in france

  • 1986 Publication of the Ordinance on pricing freedom and competition.
    This lays the foundations of French competition law by creating the Conseil de la Concurrence, giving it the power to penalise anticompetitive practices (cartels, abuses of dominant position).
  • Does France have antitrust laws?

    Since 2008, the FCA has been in charge of the enforcement of both French and European antitrust provisions (articles 101 and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and articles L420-1 and L420-2 of the FCC) and the implementation of the French merger control regime under article L430-1 et seq .

  • What are the French competition authorities?

    The French Competition Authority is an independent agency in charge of regulating competiuon in France with .

    1. CO staff and an annual budget of €21 million

  • What is the anti competition law in France?

    A competition law breach (articles L. 420-1 and L. 420-2 of the French Commercial Code, or articles 101 and 102 TFEU) can result in financial penalties being enforced by the FCA of up to 10% of the parties' group annual turnover..

  • What is the competition authority in France?

    The Autorité de la concurrence is the competition regulator in France, an independent body serving competitiveness and the consumer..

  • What is the French anti competition law?

    The Autorité de la concurrence intervenes when the balance of competition is distorted and represses anticompetitive practices (cartels, abuses of dominant position) by issuing urgent interim measures, injunctions or fines, where necessary..

  • What is the monopoly law in France?

    In addition to Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), French law provides for specific rules applicable to dominant firms.
    Article L420-2 of the French Commercial Code provides for the prohibition of abuses of a dominant position, as well as abuses of economic dependence..

  • What is the unfair competition law in France?

    In intellectual property matters, unfair competition consists mainly in creating a risk of confusion with a product, a trademark or any other distinctive sign of a competitor.
    The principle of free competition has been recognized in France since 1791 and the famous Le Chapelier law..

  • In addition to Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), French law provides for specific rules applicable to dominant firms.
    Article L420-2 of the French Commercial Code provides for the prohibition of abuses of a dominant position, as well as abuses of economic dependence.
May 1, 2022French law also prohibits certain practices restricting competition such as significant imbalance, logistics penalties, most favoured nation 
The Paris Court of Appeal has exclusive jurisdiction to hear appeals on competition law matters when the judgment is delivered by a lower court specialized in competition law matters. The Paris Court of Appeal also has exclusive jurisdiction to rule on decisions delivered by the French Competition Authority (Article D.
A competition law breach (articles L. 420-1 and L. 420-2 of the French Commercial Code, or articles 101 and 102 TFEU) can result in financial penalties being enforced by the FCA of up to 10% of the parties' group annual turnover.
A competition law breach (articles L.420-1 and L.420-2 of the French Commercial Code, or articles 101 and 102 TFEU) can result in financial penalties being 
Competition Litigation Laws and Regulations covering issues in France of General, Interim Remedies, Final Remedies, Evidence, Justification / Defences.

What will France's competition law look like in 2022?

Year to Come 2022 and Year in Review 2021 summarises some of the major developments in French competition law last year, and a selection of key changes that we anticipate over the coming year. 2022 shall see important antitrust enforcement in the digital economy and strong merger control with high-profile cases .

Where does competition law litigation take place?

At first instance, competition law litigation is subject to the jurisdiction of specialised commercial and civil courts (article L.420-7 of the French Commercial Code), depending on the rules governing territorial jurisdiction for the claim.
Appeals are lodged with the Court of Appeal in Paris.

Gambling in France holds a current legal status.


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