Competition law offences

Research background: Competition laws have become widespread and as a rule have a sanctioning nature. DANVERS refers an exponential increase.
The Competition Act, 1991, radically reformed Irish competition law introducing a Note the Probation Act will not apply to all competition law offences, not 
The Competition Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34, is Canada's federal competition legislation. It includes both criminal offences and civil reviewable matters.
The legislation prohibits anti-competitive agreements and practices and the abuse of dominant market positions. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has the power 

Abuse of A Dominant Market Position

Both UK and EU competition law prohibit businesses with market power from unfairly exploiting their strong market positions, known as an "abuse" of dominance.
However, having a dominant position does not in itself breach competition law.
It is only the abuse of that position that is prohibited.
Breaching Chapter II or Article 102 can have serious c.

How has competition law changed over time?

Legal systems have followed their own evolutionary paths and models of application of competition law are naturally conditioned by the existing institutional framework and its level of progress, with more developed and sophisticated regimes successfully achieving the transition to a model of criminal sanctions for competition infringements.

Should competition law be criminalised?

Whether crim-inalisation is desirable depends very much on the institu-tions in each jurisdiction.
Where, for example, it is impos-sible to allow for criminal immunity, competition law should not be criminalised, lest leniency programmes be undermined.

What is competition law in the UK & EU?

Both UK and EU competition law prohibit agreements, arrangements and concerted business practices which appreciably prevent, restrict or distort competition, or where this is the intended result, and which affect or may affect trade within the UK or the EU respectively.


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