Competition act namibia

  • What is the Namibian Competition Act?

    The Namibian Competition Act aims to remove or reduce the distorting effects resulting from: Collusive practices; • Abuse of dominant position; and • Mergers. detrimental to public interest, are prohibited..

  • To provide consumers with competitive prices and product choices.
    To promote employment and advance the social and economic welfare of South Africans.
    To expand opportunities for South African participation in world markets and recognises the role of foreign competition in the Republic.
The Namibian Competition Act aims to remove or reduce the distorting effects resulting from: Collusive practices; • Abuse of dominant position; and • Mergers. detrimental to public interest, are prohibited.
Competition Act 2 of 2003 The Competition Act was issued to safeguard and promote competition in the Namibian market; to establish the Namibian Competition 

What is the Namibian companies act?

The Namibian Companies Act, Act 28 of 2004 (“the Act”) contains a number of provisions that will directly impact all companies, directors and officers.

Competition act namibia
Competition act namibia

Deep sea mining in Namibia

Namibia is one of the first countries that issued mining licences regarding deep sea mining. studies that took place in 1970s discovered considerable amounts of phosphate deposits.
The significance of seabed mining in Namibia's blue economy is highlighted by the country's status as a phosphate factory.
This is due to the exceptional upwellings of the Benguela Current ecosystem, a transboundary ocean current that spans from South Africa in the south to Angola in the north, passing through Namibia.
Those deposits were found in depths between 180 and 300 meters below the sea level.
In 2011 the Namibian government issued licences regarding the exploitation of the seabed phosphate resources after the necessary Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs).
The action plan that stood out was that of Namibian Marine Phosphates (NMP), a joint venture formed in 2008 between two Australian-based companies, Minemakers and Union Resources and Namibian-based Tungeni Investments.
The so-called Sandpiper phosphate mining project outlay was introduced in January 2012 along with environmental reports regarding the effect this operation would have on marine life as well as the fishing industry and water quality changes.
Those phosphorite resources are being found in continental shelves and slopes in America, Northern Spain, Morocco, Namibia, and South Africa which show a high potential for exploration.


National anthem of Namibia

Namibia, Land of the Brave is the national anthem of Namibia, adopted in December 1991.
It was written by Axali Doëseb, who was the director of a traditional music group from the Kalahari desert.
Doëseb was chosen to write it after winning a contest held after Namibia became independent in 1990.


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