Competition law defence

  • What is the Competition Act efficiencies Defence?

    The efficiencies defence, which is unique to Canadian competition law, allows a transaction that is found to substantially prevent or lessen competition to proceed where the efficiencies that would be lost if an order is made outweigh the anti-competitive effects..

  • What is the efficiency Defence in competition law?

    The efficiencies defence provides that the Tribunal shall not make any such order if the merging parties can demonstrate that the merger is likely to bring about gains in efficiency that will be greater than, and will offset, the anti-competitive effects that are likely to result from the merger and the gains in .

  • What is the efficiency Defence of competition law?

    The efficiencies defence, which is unique to Canadian competition law, allows a transaction that is found to substantially prevent or lessen competition to proceed where the efficiencies that would be lost if an order is made outweigh the anti-competitive effects..

  • Anti-competitive practices are business or government practices that prevent or reduce competition in a market.
    Antitrust laws ensure businesses do not engage in competitive practices that harm other, usually smaller, businesses or consumers.
  • It is the set of laws and decisions related to the provisions of the protection of freedom of competition, which prohibits harmful practices to competition and assesses the impact that such practices may have on the economy and consumer welfare.
It explains defences to proceedings for cartel conduct including joint venture defences, defences in relation to providing false and misleading information, 
The passing on defence allows a defendant to argue that a claimant's loss has been reduced or negated by the claimant having passed on to his customer (the 

What are the rights of Defence and competition law?

Rights of defence and competition law:

  • An overview of EU and national case (..) Decisions of the Commission are reviewable for their legality under Article 263 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (“TFEU”).
  • What is iclg – competition litigation laws & regulations - USA?

    ICLG - Competition Litigation Laws and Regulations - USA Chapter covers common issues in competition litigation law and regulations – including:

  • interim remedies
  • final remedies
  • evidence
  • justification/defences
  • timing
  • settlement
  • costs
  • appeal
  • leniency and anticipated reforms. 1.
    General 2.
    Interim Remedies 3.
    Final Remedies 4.
    Evidence 5.

  • Categories

    Competition act features
    Competition act federal
    Competition law generally prohibits
    Competition law georgia
    Competition law geoblocking
    Competition law director general
    Competition act germany
    Competition law healthcare
    Competition law head
    Competition law commission head
    Competition law jersey uk
    Competition act jet airways
    Jevons institute for competition law and economics
    Competition act kenya
    Competition act kenya 2019
    Competition rules kenya
    Competition law legally india
    Competition law lectures
    Competition law leeds
    Competition law leveraging