Competition act limitation period

  • What are period limitations?

    What does Limitation Period mean? The period within which a person who has a right to claim against another person must start court proceedings to establish that right.
    The expiry of the limitation period may be a defence to the claim..

  • What is the limitation period for follow on damages?

    The limitation period under Schedule .

    1. A is six years, beginning with the later of the day on which the infringement of competition ceases, or the 'claimant's day of knowledge' (“the day on which the claimant first knows or could reasonably be expected to know (a) of the infringer's behaviour, (b) that the behaviour

  • What is the limitation period of competition law?


    1. The limitation period is 6 years

19. (1) The limitation or prescriptive period for a competition claim against an infringer begins with the later of— (a) the day on which the infringement of  
Sep 15, 2022Different limitation rules, set out in the Competition Act 1998 (the "Competition Act") following the implementation of the Damages Directive, 
Sep 15, 2022The ordinary rule applicable to tort claims, set out in section 2 of the Limitation Act, is that claims are time-barred six years from the date 

Does the Competition Act apply to causes of action accruing after 9 March 2017?

As noted at the outset of this briefing (and in Lord Justice Green's judgment), different limitation rules in the Competition Act apply to causes of action accruing on or after 9 March 2017.
The effect of those rules is that the period of investigation by the relevant competition authority is not to be counted for limitation purposes.

How long does a claim have a limitation period?

Limitation periods vary according to the subject matter of the claim, and range from one to ten years.
Limitation periods start running from the date that a claim becomes actionable.
Basic limitation period:

  • two years.
    Ultimate limitation period:ten years.
    Basic limitation period:discovery of claim.
  • What is a ten year limitation period?


  • As a rule
  • the general limitation period of ten years applies for claims in tort.
    However, shorter limitation periods apply on claims for strict liability such as:claims for damages due to dangerous activities.
    Land disputes:Different limitation periods apply for claims in land disputes.
  • When does a limitation period start running?

    The limitation period starts running when the claim first arises.
    The limitation period is generally six years for breach of contract and claims in tort (except for personal injury actions).
    The limitation period starts running from the date the breach occurs or the tort is committed.
    In principle, the limitation period is ten years.


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