Competition law transaction-size threshold

  • What is a threshold in competition law?

    [4] Transaction size or value threshold means that mergers between parties exceeding certain size or value will be notified to a competition agency for its review..

  • What is the introduction of deal value threshold?

    The Amendment Act introduces the Deal Value Threshold (DVT) as a new notification threshold where a transaction will require the CCI's prior approval if (i) the transaction value is more than INR 2,000 crore (~USD 240 million / ~EUR 224 million) and (ii) the target has substantial business operations in India..

  • What is the threshold for competition commission?

    The Competition Commission must be notified of all intermediate mergers and acquisitions if the value of the proposed merger equals or exceeds R600 million (calculated by either combining the annual turnover of both firms or their assets), and the annual turnover or asset value of the transferred/target firm is at .

  • What is the threshold for merger filing?

    Among other things, the amendment introduced a new notification criterion, that is, a deal value threshold of Rs. 2,000 crore, besides requiring that the enterprise being acquired, merged or being amalgamated should have substantial business operations in India..

  • The turnover threshold which must be reached to trigger the review of a concentration by competition authorities is a purely quantitative criterion indicating the size of the parties to the concentration; they govern jurisdiction and provide legal certainty through a simple and objective test.
Feb 3, 2023The Competition Bureau confirmed today that in 2023 the pre-merger notification threshold relating to transaction size will remain unchanged 
Feb 7, 2023The 2023 threshold for WTO investors that are state-owned enterprises increased to $512 million based on the book value of the Canadian business 

What are the monetary thresholds under the Competition Act?

The two monetary thresholds under the Competition Act remain the same (including:

  • the size-of-transaction threshold
  • which is typically adjusted annually)
  • but certain review thresholds under the Investment Canada Act have increased significantly.
  • What is the size of transaction threshold?

    As of March 4, 2021, the size of transaction threshold will be met if, as a result of the transaction, the buyer will hold voting securities, assets and/or non-corporate interests of the seller valued in excess of $92 million, a decrease from the current threshold of $94 million.

    What is the size-of-transaction threshold for merger notification under the Competition Act?

    The size-of-transaction threshold for merger notification under the Competition Act (typically adjusted annually) remains the same at $93 million for 2022. $1.565 billion to $1.711 billion in enterprise value of the Canadian business for trade agreement investors, which includes ,investors from the U.S., EU and Japan, among others; .

    What is the size-of-transaction threshold?

    Size-of-Transaction Threshold.
    An HSR filing may be required if an acquirer will hold, as a result of a transaction, voting securities, noncorporate interests, and/or assets of an acquired person valued in excess of $101.0 million (the 2021 threshold was $92.0 million).


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