Eu competition law goals and the digital economy

  • What are the goals of EU competition law?

    The main objective of the EU competition rules is to enable the proper functioning of the EU's internal market as a key driver for the well-being of EU citizens, businesses and society as a whole..

  • What are the goals of the EU law?

    promote peace, its values and the well-being of its citizens. offer freedom, security and justice without internal borders, while also taking appropriate measures at its external borders to regulate asylum and immigration and prevent and combat crime. establish an internal market..

Jun 21, 2018This paper seeks to outline the goals and values advanced by European Competition law, and their application to digital markets. The discussion 

Are new competition dynamics a competition problem?

New competition dynamics in the digital economy raise questions as to the normative scope of competition enforcement.
The question - ‘Is this a competition problem?’ has become common in the face of new business strategies, new forms of interaction with consumers, the accumulation of data and the use of big analytics.

Does European competition law apply to digital markets?

This paper seeks to outline the goals and values advanced by European Competition law, and their application to digital markets.
The discussion then moves on to explore the tension between the multitude of goals and economic analysis.
It further reflects on the different scope of US antitrust law and the limitations of convergence.

Does the Digital Economy need a rule of law?

While the digital economy’s particularities may require some tweaks to the enforcement mechanism, it is important to assess each proposal against robust necessity and proportionality standards, while placing the need to guard procedural defense rights – and, in a sense, the rule of law – at a prominent place in that reform process.

What is the purpose of EU competition law?

The primary objective of EU competition law is to prevent the distortion of competition to allow for a “free and dynamic” internal market and promote general economic and consumer welfare.
Article 101 is an instrument that implements a thorough ban on anti-competitive agreements.


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