Compiler construction notes

  • Compiler topics

    Compiler Construction Tools

    Parser Generator.Scanner Generator.Syntax Directed Translation Engines.Automatic Code Generators.Data-Flow Analysis Engines.Compiler Construction Toolkits..

  • Compiler topics


  • Compiler topics

    Differentiate between different levels of programming languages.
    Understand the role of front-end and back-end of a compiler.
    Recognize different types of grammars.
    Understand and define grammars in BNF, syntax diagrams, regular expressions..

  • Compiler topics

    Often compilers for computer programming languages are written in their own language.
    This is less true now that so many compilers are based on complete compiler production systems such as LLVM.
    LLVM is written in C and C++ but has compilers for a huge portfolio of languages..

  • How do you find follow in compiler construction?

    Rules to find Follow()

    1$ is a follow of 'S'(start symbol).
    1. If A-\x26gt;u03b
    2. Bβ,β= ε, then first(β) is in follow(B)
    3. If A-\x26gt;u03b
    4. B or A-\x26gt;u03b
    5. Bβ where First(β)=ε, then everything in Follow(A) is a Follow(B)

  • What is a compiler note?

    Compiler is a translator program that translates a program written in (HLL) the source program and translate it into an equivalent program in (MLL) the target program.
    As an important part of a compiler is error showing to the programmer..

  • What is the reason for compiling a program?

    The idea behind compiling programs is that it takes some time for a computer to read and process source code in its current form, so compilers help make the conversion easier.
    Compilers also provide error checking and some compiler directives, which are instructions programmers use when writing source codes..

COMPILER DESIGN LECTURE NOTES Recursive evaluators, space for attribute values at compile time, assigning space at compiler construction time, analysis of 


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