Building a compiler in go

  • How are Go programs compiled?

    In the first phase of compilation, source code is tokenized (lexical analysis), parsed (syntax analysis), and a syntax tree is constructed for each source file.
    Once tokenized, that will be parsed and used to build a syntax tree..

  • How do I make my own compiler?

    If languages each have a set of grammar rules, and those rules are all the legal expressions, then there are primarily two parts to building a compiler.
    Be able to read a file, parse it, then build an validate an Abstract Syntax Tree from that grammar..

  • Is Go compiler written in C?

    Go has at least two compilers, gc and gccgo .
    The former was written in C, but is now written in Go itself.
    While the latter is a gcc frontend written mainly in C++.
    Go's libraries are written in Go..

  • What is the Go compiler written in?

    Interpreters and compilers for programming languages are programs and so must be written in some kind of programming language.
    Go has at least two compilers, gc and gccgo .
    The former was written in C, but is now written in Go itself.
    While the latter is a gcc frontend written mainly in C++..

  • What is the purpose of Go's compiler?

    The Go compiler creates an executable binary file as a result of compiling.
    Complete the following steps to execute this file and run your program.
    Your program is compiled.
    For more information on how to compile your program, see Compiling a Go program..

  • Go has at least two compilers, gc and gccgo .
    The former was written in C, but is now written in Go itself.
    While the latter is a gcc frontend written mainly in C++.
    Go's libraries are written in Go.
  • Go programs are compiled ahead of time to native machine code (or JavaScript or WebAssembly, for some variant implementations).
  • In the first phase of compilation, source code is tokenized (lexical analysis), parsed (syntax analysis), and a syntax tree is constructed for each source file.
    Once tokenized, that will be parsed and used to build a syntax tree.
  1. build a symbol table and a constant pool.
  2. do stack arithmetic.
  3. generate jump instructions.
  4. build frames into our VM to execute functions with local bindings and arguments!
  5. add built-in functions to the VM.
  6. get real closures working in the virtual machine and learn why closure-compilation is so tricky.
Writing A Compiler In Go is the sequel to Writing An Interpreter In Go. It starts right where the first one stopped, with a fully-working, fully-tested Monkey 

Abstract Syntax Tree

The best way to understand an abstract syntax tree is in relation to a parse tree which is what we generated in the last post.
A parse tree represents each part of the program that is matched in our grammar.
Don’t worry if that definition doesn’t makes sense right now.
I always learn best by actually coding, so let’s jump into it! Create a new dire.

Code Generation

We have finally made it to the last stage! ? ? .
In order to handle the most cases with the least amount of hassle every expressionwill be assigned to a temporary variable.
It might make our generated code look bloated, but it will solve for any nested expressions.
Bloated code won’t have any impact on final program speed because the optimizer will.

How do I build a program using go?

To do this, you can use the Go toolchain to build and install your program.
In Go, the process of translating source code into a binary executable is called building.
Once this executable is built, it will contain not only your application, but also all the support code needed to execute the binary on the target platform.

Type Checker

Our type checker will make sure that users don’t write code that conflicts with our statically typedlanguage.
The core backbone of our type checkerwill be a combination of data structures that track identifier types, initialization, and valid type operations.
This can get vastly more complicated once we start dealing with different levels of scope .

What is a go build executable?


  • On Windows
  • your executable will be greeter.exe.
    By default go build will generate an executable for the current platform and architecture.
    For example, if built on a linux/386 system, the executable will be compatible with any other linux/386 system, even if Go is not installed.
  • What is the difference between go build and go install?

    This topic introduces two additional commands for building code:

  • The go build command compiles the packages
  • along with their dependencies
  • but it doesn't install the results.
    The go install command compiles and installs the packages.
    Note:This topic is part of a multi-part tutorial that begins with Create a Go module .
  • What is writing a compiler in go?

    May 2020.
    See changelog.
    Writing A Compiler In Go is the sequel to Writing An Interpreter In Go.
    It starts right where the first one stopped, with a fully-working, fully-tested Monkey interpreter in hand, connecting both books seamlessly, ready to build a compiler and a virtual machine for Monkey.


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