Compiler design and construction viva questions

  • What are the important points of compiler design?

    The process of translating the source code into machine code involves several stages, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, code generation, and optimization.
    Compiler is an intelligent program as compare to an assembler.
    Compiler verifies all types of limits, ranges, errors , etc..

  • What is the concept of compiler construction?

    Compiler construction is a complex task.
    A good compiler combines ideas from formal language theory, from the study of algorithms, from artificial intelligence, from systems design, from computer architecture, and from the theory of programming languages and applies them to the problem of translating a program..

  • Syntax Analysis: The second phase of a compiler is syntax analysis, also known as parsing.
    This phase takes the stream of tokens generated by the lexical analysis phase and checks whether they conform to the grammar of the programming language.
    The output of this phase is usually an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  • The process of translating the source code into machine code involves several stages, including lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, code generation, and optimization.
    Compiler is an intelligent program as compare to an assembler.
    Compiler verifies all types of limits, ranges, errors , etc.
Rating 4.1 (49) 1. What is a compiler? Any Skill Sea2. What are the two parts of a compilation? Explain3. List the subparts or phases of analysis part.4. Depict 


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